Kenny McCormick : 3

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I just noticed that it looks like :3 at the end of the title 😭

Also, I'm sorry for the Kenny lovers. I love him too, but I have gyatt to do this

SA mentions

"So we have a lead?" Tweek asked with a smirk.

"Jesus christ, dude, you are a cop."

He giggled, and I gave him a slight smile.

"But yes, we have a lead."


We had waited until school was over to start our journey to Kenny's house. Every step towards the direction of his house made tweek more and more nervous. I think he was just afraid of rats or something. My hands were buried in my pockets as we walked through the snow, which was crunching under our steps.

Kenny and tweek used to be friends, like forever ago. They only hung out sometimes, but he said he had never been to Kenny's house before. I just think it was because Kenny was embarrassed, but embassesment hasn't ever stopped him from taking home whoever was interested in screwing him. I honestly feel bad for the people that he's- done that to. He's a total perv, and I really don't want to be talking to him right now, but I have to, I guess. No one's really forcing me to walk to his house, and I could just wait until the end of the month....

for the plot?

I let out a sigh as I saw his house coming into view. I linked my arm with tweeks as he became more and more nervous.

"It's alright, dude. We're just going to talk to him." I mumbled.

Tweek nodded, and we kept walking. I was a little worried about him. Not like I never am, he never really leaves my mind, but I'm more worried than usual for him.

I remember one time in 4th grade when he helped me film a show for a class we had. It was stupid, but it worked. He filmed, and I edited. I didn't really talk to him during that time, though. We weren't really friends since, well, I hated his friends.

Tweek was still nervous. At this point, he was practically clinging onto my arm.

Tweek pov (i think this is the 1st pov switch 🙉):

As we walked closer to Kenny's house, the memories of when we used to be friends flooded back. This was after Craig and I had stopped hanging out about 3 years ago. After the coffee incident. (They were 15 3 years ago, btw)

We were hanging out at my house, like always, and we both had gotten pretty comfortable with each other. He was my best friend. I hung out with him every day, and though I knew he was a troubled kid, that didn't phase me. He was a fairly touchy person, and so was I, but not in the way he was.

He would give me little kisses in random places. It weirded me out a bit.

After I came out to him as gay, he would always talk about dirty things, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was that he would sexualize me, and I didn't like that.

I knew he wasn't joking, and that only made me even more scared.

One day, he wasn't talking about it. He actually tried to do what he would talk to me about.

After the damage had been done, I couldn't stop showering. Scrubbing my body until my skin was red. I couldn't sleep even if I had wanted to. All I thought about was where he put his hands. How he touched me. How horrible it felt. How scared I was. The number of times I told him to stop. The number of times I tried to scream just to have him cover my mouth.

It was horrible.

I let out a sigh, feeling tears run down my cheeks as I quickly wiped them away. Craig didn't notice. He was busy staring at the ground. I glanced at our arms, and I was almost a part of him. I was hanging on to his arm super tightly.

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