29th of January : 29

38 3 13

Short chapter (don't fucking come at me ik)

Craig pov:

I've done many questionable things. I've had many questionable tastes, and I am, overall, just a very questionable person.

The one thing I've done that wasn't really all that questionable was start dating my best friend. And still, even that surprised a lot of people. Including myself.

But, you can imagine that same surprise when I turned around and was met with my boyfriend and best friend of basically my whole life.

Tweek tweak wasn't ever really not a big part of my life. He's always just been someone who was there for me.

No matter what.

Even after I poured coffee on him and stopped being his friend.

After all of that, he still wanted to be a part of my life.

That's what he explained to me.

Why he wrote the note. Why he wanted to meet up with me.

He explained all of it.

"I was really, really upset with you. And I knew that I needed you back. So I gave myself mental time to prepare and gave you the note. And I asked clyde if he could start helping me repare our relationship. And he did. I was already pretty much ready to be your friend again. I didn't want all that awkward, like friendship talking stage deal. I just wanted to go back to being how we were. And we got there eventually. The whole point of meeting you today was to tell you that I wanted to be friends again, but we already did that, and then some. So I honestly just want to thank you for taking me back." He rambled. The entire time, he wasn't looking at me.

I let out a relieved sigh. "So you helped me to take the suspicion off of you? You went with me back to the dudes house who made your life hell just because you wanted me back? And what about the handwriting on the note." I mentioned.

"I was dedicated. I even started trying to keep my hand steady. Of course not when it wasn't on the note, but you get it. The second note I gave you made me nervous because the first time, you just got annoyed. I didn't expect you to say something."

"You always were a good actor." I mumbled.

We looked at each other for the first time.

"Is clyde with you?" I asked.

He nods and turns to a fat tree. (Great description, Zoe 💀) The same tree that we carved our initials in together years ago.

I wonder if he remembers.

Clyde stepped out from behind it and awkwardly waved at me.

"So that's why you guys couldn't hang out." I frowned. They glanced at each other and nodded.

"I'm a little upset with you for this. You made me really anxious. And, I am upset with you for doing so much for me." I sighed.

"Are you mad?" Tweek asks.

"No, I'm not mad. I just don't think I deserve you." I mumbled. "I don't know what I feel right now."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head slightly to see Tolkien. He gave me a smile and a nod.

I don't know what this meant.

I looked at tweek, who was still messing with his hands. He was in the jacket I gave him.

I stepped forward and pulled him into a hug.

He was tense at first before he calmed down, hugging me back.

"Tolkien?" I asked, still holding onto tweek.

"Yes, craig?"

"Can you and clyde give us a minute?"

"Oh, uh, sure. Come on, babe." He mumbled.

Hehe. Babe.

I heard shuffling. Once I knew that they weren't there, I pulled away from tweek. A worried look settled onto his face.

"Do I really mean that much to you?" I asked while cupping his face.

He just looked me in my eyes and nodded.

"You know me. I wouldn't do this for anyone. Anyone except for you, I guess." He rambled.

I used to think that no one would care for me like that ever again. Now I know that he never stopped.

"I didn't think it'd be that easy to be a part of your life again." He mumbled.

"It's not. But it's you, tweek. You aren't just anyone." I explained.

He nodded and started to tear up.

"Come here." I laughed out. He nodded again, sniffling while hugging me again.

"I don't think I would've been okay if it was anyone else but you. I'm glad that you wrote the note. I think I always just hoped that it would've been you." I paused.

"And I'm sorry for pouring the coffee on you.." I mumbled. He laughed lightly through his tears.

"You still haven't gotten over that?" He asked.

"I don't think I ever will."



Oh my gyatt. That took me like 5 months to do. It's crazy how my writing has evolved since then. Wowowowow.

Also, my reasoning for "stay safe" was bc I care, for 1 and 2, I wanted yall to be able to continue reading my story ☺️

So, stay safe, MWAH ILY

Words: 867

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