things are good : 30 (end)

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The group cheered as people brought up their glasses, clinking them together.
Cheering for their 18th anniversary of being friends. Of course, craig wasn't the one who set this up. He wouldn't have put this much thought into something, and he also doesn't have the money to execute a plan like this.

I mean, come on. Renting out a fancy ass beach house in Florida for the weekend?

Tolkien was the one who got the group back together after them, not having seen each other for a while. Of course, they still kept in contact, but texting your friends is different than seeing them in person.

But obviously, everyone had their personal issues and their own lives to live, so they were never free all of the time.

Craig went to community college in Denver with clyde, tweek got a scholarship for Academy of Art University, also in Denver, and Tolkien went to an out of state college, paid for by his parents of course.

This was the first time in a while that all of them were together again. The first time, they had all been in the same place since after graduation. The vibes were good. Everyone was happy.

Craig wrapped an arm around tweek as they took the sip of their drinks. He looked down to the blonde and smiled softly at tweek, who was making a face at the alcoholic beverage.

Tweek never was a fan of alcohol. Not before his 21st birthday, and not after.

Craig leaned down to his ear, "Do you want something else to drink?" He whispered. Tweek nodded, and the taller laughed lightly before grabbing his boyfriend's glass, setting it down on the table before walking out of the room to grab him a soda.

Though he might've honestly done better with coffee.

Craig opened a red cooler and pulled out a sprite. It dripped because of melted ice.

He carried the sprite out to his boyfriend, who was patiently waiting on the couch, talking with Tolkien and clyde, who were all over each other. Being away from each other for so long was hard on them.

Tweek cracked the soda open and took a small sip before setting it down on the coffee table in front of him. Craig sat down next to his boyfriend and put an arm around him. Tweek scooted closer, snuggling into Craig's side.

The four talked about random things all night. Laughing and crying, it was really great for them to see each other again. They didn't realize how much they missed each other.

When it was too late for them to talk much longer, Tolkien took clyde into their shared room.

Tweek and Craig stayed in the living room until late, just talking to each other.

The four made plans of going to the beach the next day.


They woke up that morning at 9 so they could get ready for the beach and find a good spot to set up before it was taken up.

Craig sat in his shared bedroom with his boyfriend, who was putting clips in his hair.

"Do you like the beach house?" The darker haired asked.

"Why?" Tweek mumbled, too focused on taming his hair to look at Craig.

"We could get something like this together." Craig stood up, walking behind him.

"Do you like the beach house?" He asked with a small laugh. Craig shrugged.

"Well, why would we get it if we both don't want it?" Tweek giggled at his boyfriends antics.

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