guilt : 5

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Craig's pov:

"Tweek, I do not want to do this." I mumbled through gritted teeth with my hands balled up against my sides.

"That's too bad. You're the one who super badly wants to know who wrote the note. You don't really have to do any of this? You could just wait until the 29th?" He explained.

I nodded.

"I feel like I have to do this, though." I whispered.

Tweek rolled his eyes and started walking out of the school doors.

I stood in my place for a second before following.

"Do we really have to?" I whispered to tweek.

"No." He replied with a calm smile washing over his face.

"You look like your mom," I scowled.

"Don't look at me like that."

I sighed.

"Can we take a car or bus or something? I don't want to walk." I mumbled.

"Stop talking so quiet, you big baby."

"You didn't answer the question."

"Yes, Craig. We can take the bus."

I nodded, and we started walking to the nearest bus stop.

I'm tired of walking everywhere.

I walked closely behind tweek, and I kept accidentally stepping on the back of his shoes.


He yelled at me.


After a minute or two of walking, we found a bus stop and waited for a couple of minutes. I was rocking back and forth in the place where I was sitting.

"Would you stop?" Tweek asked, starting to get annoyed.

I stopped moving. I stopped doing anything, really. I was picking at my skin. Tweek never liked it when I did that. Or, he didn't like it when we were younger. I don't know if he still cares about it. I'm not really sure if he still cares about me.

I was zoned out, still picking my hands when tweek pushed my arm to get my attention.

"The bus is here." He said while standing up and grabbing my hand to pull me up with him.

I just walked with him and sat down in whatever spot he wanted to.

I was more nervous than I should've been.

I hate stan. We've never gotten along.

He's just too self pitying. I mean, I do that, but it's different. He hangs around the goth kids too much.

I started to pick at my skin again.

I thought that tweek hadn't noticed, but he did. He grabbed my hand and held it.

"Stop that. You're bleeding." He lectured.

I leaned back in my seat.

Tweek rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. I started to feel lightheaded, not because of anything bad. Just because of what he was doing.

The hand that tweek wasn't holding was being used by me to prop up my head. I was facing away from tweek because I didn't want him to see the way I smiled at this little action.

Oh my god, I'm stupid.

"We get off here." Tweek mumbled while standing up, dragging me with hin.

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