diabolical and diabetic : 9

88 3 28

Mentions of smut/lemon(only breif. Kinda.)
Incredibly horrible treatment towards ppl with diabetes but only one person with diabetes, Scott Malkinson/jk

They're on winter break rn.

Craig pov:

I woke up to tweek pacing around my room.

"Dude -" I paused to yawn. "Are you alright?" I asked while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"I forgot to go home last night." He whispered.

"It's fine. Just message your mom or something." I mumbled, laying back down.

Tweek walked over to the bed and sat down while sighing. I turned over to him.

"I'm sure your parents will be okay with it. They literally don't get mad about anything." Tweek nodded. I placed my hand on his knee, and he set his hand on top of mine. I smiled softly at him before checking the time.

"Damn. It's 5:12." I whispered to myself. "Go back to bed, tweek."

He lays down in my bed but doesn't go to sleep. And because I know he's still awake, I don't fall back asleep either.

I sit up and make him get out of bed so we can brush our teeth. If we're going to be awake, we're going to be clean.

I lent tweek a toothbrush. Mom always keeps new ones for guests.

After we finished up in the bathroom, we laid back down.

The two of us are still not falling asleep. I wasn't really tired anymore.

Tweek was lying on his back looking at the ceiling, and I was lying on my side looking at him. His hair was messy, like always, his lips were a little pinker than his skin, his skin was soft and pale from all that time he's spent inside from fear of getting a sun burn or getting ran over. He looked like a porcelain doll. He was gorgeous.

He noticed my gaze and turned over to face me.

"What?" He asked quietly with a small smile. I felt his voice in my chest. My heart throbbed.

"You're.." Beautiful.

I stopped myself from finishing my sentence.

"Can I.." I paused while glancing at his lips, hoping he'd get the hint. Tweek moved a little closer even though he was already really close to begin with.
He cupped my face with his hand and softly kissed me. I kissed back and scooted a little closer to him. I deepened the kiss by putting my hand behind his neck and pulling him forward. I moved so that I was on top of him. I nipped at his bottom lip to get him to open his mouth.
We got more into it, and other things happened.

There was a lot of mouth covering and heavy breathing.

I felt a little bit of guilt because I thought about what happened with him and Kenny. But Tweek didn't seem to mind at all.

I was still confused about the relationship that tweek and I had. We weren't dating, but we acted like we were, and everyone in the group, except for maybe clyde, knows that we like each other. That isn't saying much, though given that there are only four of us and Clyde's kinda dumb.

All I'm saying is that there technically isn't any reason why we couldn't date.

I was lost in my thoughts while getting dressed. Before I knew it, I was done. Tweek was struggling to get his shirt buttoned. I came up behind him and helped him while resting my head on his shoulder. His face turned pink, and he looked away from me. I finished buttoning his shirt and stood there with my hands resting on his hips, swaying the both of us. I softly kissed the newly made hickey on his neck from earlier. We stayed there like that for a minute before tweek turned around and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before walking away.

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