is that okay? : 20

64 5 55

Smut/lemon implied(no real description 😔)
Long chapter

Craig pov:

I had just gotten home from therapy. This session was a little more tense than the others.

She knew about the self-harm, and she knew that I was put on depression meds.

It wasn't all bad, though. I did get to talk to her about coming out to my parents. And how I don't think it's going to go very well.

Speaking of which, Tweek has been antsy all week about meeting my parents. I've been a bit nervous, but I've been smiling and nodding for him whenever he talks about it. Just so he doesn't overthink it and freak himself out.

My mom questioned me about the hickeys but I didn't tell her they were from a boy.

She just thinks that the 'girl' I'm seeing is a leach.

Tweek is a leach. Or like a vacuum or a suction cup. Or just something to that effect.

I sighed.

My neck is a little sore.

It's Thursday night, and my parents are both home. I'm planning on introducing them to tweek on Saturday. Or reintroducing him, not as my friend but as my boyfriend. Obviously.

I paced around my room, thinking about the right words to tell them about it.

"Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend tweek." I mumbled to myself before shaking my head no.

"That's too direct. I have to have an opening." I muttered.

"Craig. All you are is direct with people. What is wrong with you -" I heard my phone buzzing, interrupting my out loud thoughts.

I glanced at it from where I stood in the middle of my room.

Tweeks calling.

I quickly walk over to answer.

"Hey honey." I say into my phone with a smile, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"Hey. Are you um - nervous at all?" He asked.

Whenever he asks, I usually just say no.

"A little." I lied. I was a lot nervous.

"It's gonna be alright, craig. I just talked to my parents, and they agree to let you stay over if you get kicked out." Tweek explained.

I felt my heart squeeze. It was a feeling that I couldn't place but felt like it was good.

"They did?" I asked with a small smile forming on my face.

"Mhm." Tweek hummed.

I sighed.

"What's up, craig?" He asked.

I shrugged before remembering that we're on call.

"I don't know." I mumbled. I do know. I'm nervous and I think you're really sweet.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Tweek asked sweetly.

My heart squeezed again.

"I think I need to see you."

"Right now?" He questioned.

"Mhm, like I can drive over right now, and we don't have to go to school tomorrow." I mumbled, hoping he knew what I was getting at.

"Well, I need to shower." Tweek said, thinking out loud.

"We could do that together." I state, surprising myself with my boldness.

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