unpleasant conversations : 4

131 6 29

Sa mentions (once again, I'm sorry 😭)
Longer chapter

Tweek POV:

I walked all the way home with craig following close behind me. I don't know why he didn't just decide to go home, but I'm not about to tell him to leave after he walked all this way with me.

I made it to my front door and unlocked it while holding the door open for Craig. He quickly shuffled inside, and I closed the door behind us.

I didn't realize how fast I had been walking until I got to my room and crashed from exhaustion.

Craig awkwardly stood by the door. I glanced at him.

"Are you gonna -" I paused to breathe. "Sit down?" He quickly nodded and sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Why'd you get all anxious back at Kenny's?" He asked.

I let out a sigh.

"I'll tell you in a minute. I need to calm down." I panted.

I took a moment to catch my breath before I abruptly sat up, making Craig jump a little.

"It's a long story. It did happen 3 years ago, but it's still a sensitive topic, so please bear with me. If I start - like pausing and taking a minute, please don't get annoyed. I really - I just need to talk to someone. I think maybe it'll help." I rambled while messing with my hands. I slowly looked up at him. He was sitting with his hands on his lap patiently, waiting for me to start. He slightly smiled at me.

"Take your time. There's no rush." He replied calmly.

I nodded.

I took a deep breath in and then began to explain.

"So Kenny and I used to be best friends, right? We know that already. After the coffee incident, I started talking to him and hanging out with him and all of that, and after a little while, I trusted him." I sighed, feeling myself begin to tear up. I felt a hand on mine and decided to keep going.

"He would always talk about sexual things, and this would make me uncomfortable, but I never said anything about it." I took another deep breath in.

"But after I came out to him as gay-.." I paused, looking up at Craig. His expression didn't change.

He's still here. he's not going anywhere. He won't take advantage of you. He's a good friend. He won't hurt you again. You're safe. Continue the damn story.

"He started sexualizing me. He already was a touchy friend and I didn't mind that because so am I but it was different he would kiss me in random places and just make me uncomfortable but again I never said anything about it. One day, this was about 2 years ago," I stopped.

I felt warm tears spill out of my eyes. Craig saw this and wiped my cheeks, giving me the courage to keep going.

"He wasn't joking about it. He actually tried. He touched me in places that I don't know if I ever want anyone else to touch." I felt Craig's hand tighten around mine. His face changed in a way. It wasn't towards me. He quickly stood up, letting go of my hand.

"Are you fucking joking?" He asked with anger twisting into his expression.

I let out a shaky sigh and then shook my head no.

Craig paced around my room with his hand on his forehead.

After a minute or two, he sat back down next to me, taking my hands and holding them.

"Tweek, I am so sorry. Thats- fuck. I trusted him around my sister...And I just dragged you back to his house." He muttered with guilt lacing his voice.

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