i love you. : 12

93 3 37

Panic attack (brief mention.)
Smut/lemon mentions (brief)
Longer chapter.

Continued from last chapter.

Craig's pov:

I ran my fingers through his hair, kissing the top of his head every now and then as he sobbed into my shirt. I didn't care. I just wanted him to be okay and for things to go back to the way they were.

"I love you." I mumbled into his hair. He cried harder.

"I love you too." He said through tears. His voice was muffled because of his face being in my shirt.

"I love you so much." I kissed the top of his head. I pulled his face away from my shirt. His tears streamed down his face. Some of his hair stuck to his face because of how hard he was crying. And even now, he's the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

I looked at him, my tears threatening to fall.

"It feels like I'm losing you all over again." He sobbed. I wiped his tears with my thumbs and kissed him. It was short and sweet and said everything it needed to say. He looked really exhausted. I'm guessing he didn't find out about it today.

"I love you, craig. I love you so much that it hurts. I feel like every time I get close to you, something happens, and I get hurt. But even then, I don't stop loving you. I don't ever hate you. I can't hate you." He said. He was just starting to calm down when his words started to make him cry more. He buried his face back into my shirt.

I took a deep breath in and let it out.

"I love you, tweek. And the truth is I'm afraid of that. I'm afraid that at any moment, you could leave me. So I self sabotage and try to leave you first, and I'm sorry. I love you." I mumbled, finally letting my tears fall. I started crying hard, too.

I held onto tweek with the same amount of fear and despair that he had.

I held the back of his head and cried on him.

We stood there and held each other, crying for a good 15 minutes. Mumbling, I love yous, and I'm sorry to each other.

We finally calmed down, and we're ready to talk about things. We sat down on my bed facing each other. We promised that no matter what happens, we won't leave each other, at least while we're talking things out.

I'm not the crying type, but something about tweek makes me feel more emotional than anyone else. I'm scared of that. I'm scared of showing vulnerability because if I do, I might get hurt. But for tweek, I'm willing to risk it. I'd risk it a thousand times for a life with him.

"Alright." Tweek started as he took a deep breath and let it out. I did the same. "So what happened." He asked.

"I got kicked out, I felt sad, so I went to kyles because we were sort of friends, and I knew he had weed, we got high, made out because he suggested it, and now here we are. He tried to do other things but I refused and he accepted that." I explained. Tweek nodded, taking hold of my hands but not intertwining our fingers.

"You promise that there weren't any romantic feelings involved?" He asked with hope in his eyes.

I nodded. "I promise."

I squeezed tweek's hands before asking, "What was kyles story? What happened with you." I asked.

"So, yesterday night, he came over, and..." tweek paused, his eyes filled with tears as one ran down his face. I let go of one of his hands to wipe it with my thumb. I gave tweek a kiss to let him know that I'm not going anywhere. "Told me that you hated me and that I shouldn't be with you because you're in love with him." Tweek explained. "He told me that you guys were high and that you made out and did stuff right before he came over. He apologized to me. I didn't really get any sleep last night." Tweek mumbled, finishing off what happened. My heart ached knowing that I slept well thinking things were going good and tweek slept shitty thinking I basically cheated on him.

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