i need you back : 25

45 4 21

Kinda short chapter (I know. I'm writing one rn that's gonna be long, so dw.)

Craig pov:

All I could think about was tweek. I haven't attempted texting him yet. I was a little scared to if I'm honest. I don't want to dig myself into a deeper hole.

After a long day of contemplating what I was going to do, I ended up taking a shower to get my mind off of it.

That didn't work, of course.

I thought about all of the ways that I could maybe apologize.

I decided on a little gift basket.

No, I'm not trying to buy him off. Yes, I feel bad, and yes, he deserves more than just snacks.

I got out of the shower and got myself looking and feeling decent before heading downstairs.

My mom was sitting on the couch, and I walked up to it, trying to make my best sad face, so she'd definitely say yes to the question I was about to ask.

"Hey, mom?" I asked. She looked up from her phone.

"What is it?" She questioned, a concerned look painted on her face.

"Can I use your card to get things for tweek?" I asked, "please?"

She sighed before reaching into her purse and handing me her card. "You're going to pay me back." She stated. I took the card gently with a nod before I thanked her and left the house, driving to the store.

As soon as I got there, I picked out his favorite flavor ice cream, and then I bought him snacks and just a bunch of things. Guilt was definitely getting to me at this point.

I got him a card and a small heart-shaped ice pack, which I didn't even know that they made.

I bought a little basket to put these things in before purchasing the items and heading home to make the basket.

I remembered to set the ice pack in the freezer while I worked.

My mom decided to help me set things up because I had no idea what I was doing.

The end product looked nothing short of a Valentines Day surprise.

And I was okay with that.

I quickly grabbed the ice pack out of the freezer. It wasn't exactly frozen, but it was definitely cold enough to soothe a black eye. I remembered the picture that clyde sent me of him.

I really hope I didn't break his nose or anything.

I thanked mom and gave her the biggest hug before I got in my truck and drove to tweek's house.

I stepped out and grabbed the basket I had sitting in my front seat next to Mr.

I cautiously walked up the driveway.

Once I got to the door, I knocked a few times, and before I knew it, I was face to face with tweek's mom.

She eyes me for a moment before stepping aside and letting me in.

"Are you worried about tweek? It's alright he just got into a little fight." She said with a calm smile. I nodded.

Is that what he told her?

I sighed as I walked upstairs.

I knocked three times on his door before I heard a lazy. "Come in."

As I walked into the room, I was sure he didn't expect me. He looked surprised and even a little mad.

All I cared about was the fact that I left that bruise on his face.

"Tweek, I'm sorry, you probably knew that I was going to say that, but it's true. I really didn't mean to hit you. I'm doing what I should've done years ago the last time I hurt you." I explained while walking towards him. I had the basket behind my back. He was looking at me suspiciously, but he stayed silent.

Once I got to his bed, I set the basket down in front of him. The first thing I did was take out the ice pack and gently place it onto his face.

He took over, holding it for me, and started to look through the basket.

Tweek pov:

Craig watched me as I pulled things out, examining them. I was trying to act mad at him, but every single thing in here made me feel gushy.

I was doing fine until I pulled out the ice cream.

I looked up at him and held it up.

"You remembered my favorite ice cream?" I questioned. He nodded.

I sighed and continued to look through things when I found a card.

It was a card for husbands, but it worked.

It said some stupidly cheesy thing. "Craig. This is not what people do when they're on a break." I sighed.

He moved the basket to the other side of me and sat down. "I know. But I don't care. I need you back, tweek. Im so so sorry." He said while taking one of my hands and holding it.

"It's literally been a day." I laugh. He doesn't. He's serious. Dead serious.

"You never technically lost me." I mumbled.

I took off the ice pack to look at him better. His eyes wandered to my bruise.

He looked guilty about it.

"Can i?" He asked while leaning forward. I nodded. He placed a gentle kiss on my nose and then on my eye before kissing me again on the lips.

At first, I was mad that he came over, which was silly because he was the one I was wishing would walk through my bedroom door.

I put everything back into the gift basket and set it on the floor to make room for craig.

He took off his shoes and moved into my bed with me, burrying his face into my shirt while wrapping his arms around my waist.

I kissed the top of his hair, which I was now noticing was a little damp.

"I'm so sorry I hit you." He mumbled.

"When you say it like that, it sounds like you did it on purpose."

He looks up at me worriedly.

"I didn't, I swear." He said, his eyes wide.

I giggle slightly before cupping his face.
"I know you didn't. I was teasing you."

He sighed. There was a moment of silence between us.

"Why did you fight kyle?" I asked. I had been wondering why since it happened. Which was only yesterday.

He looked away from me.

"It's okay. You can tell me." I mumbled.

"He was talking bad about you and saying that we didn't have a good relationship." He explained.

I nodded.

So this whole time, he was only doing that for me?

I should've just let him keep hitting Kyle.


I couldn't keep them away from each other. I tried. I put a box around tweek's house. Nothing beats the gays during gay month 🤷‍♀️

I desperately want to make a story, keeping in all of my typos and misspelled words for no reason. I would bring shame on my grammarly.

Stay safe! Mwah!

Words: 1171

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