shitty new year : 8

89 3 32

Alcohol (not really much of a tw but yk)

Craig pov:

I had stayed at Tolkiens house for a week before my dad went back to where he works, and my mom told me to come home. My dad works somewhere away from home, thankfully.

It was New years Eve. I wasn't doing anything special. Me and my sister were just downstairs on the couch while being on our phones. Occasionally, we'll think something is funny and show the other, but otherwise, no one says anything.

I had gotten invited to go to a party with Clyde, but parties aren't my thing. I also didn't think that tweek would go, so I didn't want to. All I could think about the past couple of days was tweek. He knows I like him now, so things should be different. Easier.

I wanted to put on a movie. Since my sister hasn't ever seen the Saw movies, I decided to put the first one on.

She was instantly off of her phone and paying attention.

I was thinking about texting tweek to come over, but I didn't know if it was too soon. I never know if it's 'too soon' or not.

I turned my phone off and started actually watching the movie.

I paused it and turned to my sister.

"Bro. We need snacks." I said to ruby. She nodded, and we both got up and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed both of us a soda while she made popcorn.

"Did you ever ask out karen?" I asked as I got out a bowl for the popcorn.

She shook her head. "Did you ever ask out tweek?"

"No. But I think I'm actually getting somewhere with him." I explained while smiling softly.

She looked at me weird. The microwave went off, and she handed me the hot bag of popcorn so I could empty it into the bowl.

Once we had everything, we walked back into the living room and sat down.

I started the movie back up, and we watched and ate the food we got.

It was about an hour and a half in, and the movie was almost done when I got the text.

I looked at my phone and saw that Kyle had sent me a video. I was a little surprised, but I opened the message to see someone kissing tweek and tweek looking, not comfortable.

"What the fuck.." I mumbled. Ruby paused the movie and looked over at me.

"What happened?" Ruby asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing. I'll hopefully be back soon. Just go on your phone or something don't finish the movie without me." I muttered while standing up and walking to the front door quickly. I got my shoes on and rushed out of the door.

I texted clyde

Dude where tf are you guys.

We're at stan's.
Are you gonna come party with us?

I didn't reply to that message.

I started running. I didn't know what was going on, but I was really hoping that it wasn't tweek's fault because if it had been, then I had gotten my hopes up for no good reason.


I finally made it to stan's house. It took me 5 minutes, but it felt longer. As I walked up to his front door, i saw several people outside either passed out or throwing up.

I opened the door, trying not to make a scene about being there. I was trying to get in, grab tweek, get out.

I looked around. There were drunk people making out with each other on the couch, and that made me kinda uncomfortable.

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