no homo tho : 26

56 5 58

Long chapter
Not usual creek story

This won't interfere with what's going on. It's a side story. Sort of.

Tolkien pov(😏):

Sitting in the nurses office with tweek and clyde had got to be one of the things I didn't ever see happening again. Especially because of craig. But here we are.

I gently held a towel that the nurse gave me up to tweek's nose to keep blood from going anywhere since he was shaking too bad to do it himself.

Clyde and I exchanged worried glances as tweek hadn't stopped crying. Clyde gently rubbed his back as a way to calm him down. Tweek was holding onto my free hand for support.

The nurse finally came back out of wherever she was to check on tweek again.

"Alright. I'm gonna have your boyfriend and friend go back to class if that's alright, sweetie." She asked him calmly. He shook his head, not paying any mind to the nurse who just called me his boyfriend.

He started to cry more, I didn't think it was possible, but it happened. I think the boyfriend comment reminded tweek of why he was in here again.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it." Clyde mumbled. "He really loves you, tweek."

All the blonde did was nod.

He knows that Craig loves him. That's why it hurts. I understand completely.

Not completely, actually. People I love don't cause me that kind of pain. He's going through physical and mental pain, and that's not what I'm used to.

And craig, his literal boyfriend, has made him feel it twice.

I sighed and felt myself feeling a certain nostalgia.

"He won't -" tweek paused. "He won't ignore me again -?" He asked through sobs. I shook my head no.

"He won't ignore you again, tweek. I promise." I reassuringly squeezed his hand.

He nodded. I checked to see if his nose had stopped bleeding, which it had. But it was running from all of the crying he had been doing.


After a couple of minutes, tweek was calmed down enough to leave the nurses office. He wasn't crying anymore.

The nurse pulled him aside to talk to him while clyde and I walked back to class. We walked slowly, just in case tweek wanted to catch up with us when he was done talking to the nurse.

"The nurse called you tweeks boyfriend." Clyde muttered. He looked a little jealous.

"So? Normal dude friends don't really hold hands." I explained.

"It didn't bother you at all? Holding hands with another guy and her calling you that?" He asked.

"Being gay isn't bad, I was focused on comforting our friend. It's not like I have a crush on him or anything. Plus, like I said. I get why she thought it. Normal guy friends don't really hold hands. "

"I know, but the girls do it all the time. could we?"

There was a pause.

"Why do you want to hold my hand?" I shyly asked, feeling my face flush.

He noticed what he had said, and his face turned a light shade of pink.

"I-" He paused, clearing his throat. "It just seemed to um calm tweek down. So I thought it'd be nice." He rambled.

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