school : 17

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Longer chapter

Tolkien pov:

I'm the designated driver. We know this. I have the most space in my car. I think my parents bought me it on purpose because of the space. They knew I wanted to drive around my friends.

Every morning, I'm the one who drives people to school, whether I pick them up on the side of the road or from their houses.

I usually don't bother with craig because half of the time, he doesn't even show up to school, so I don't know when to pick him up or not. He's usually fine taking the bus, or I pick him up while he's on the way to the bus.

I kinda worry that some people think he's getting abducted, but I don't think anyone would really want to abduct a tall ass scrawny 17 year old.

But you know that's just me.

I always pick up clyde in the mornings. He doesn't really mind taking the bus either, but from my understanding, he likes being dropped off at school in style.

Don't ask me. He's stupid.

But I guess I don't mind that. He's my best friend. Why would I?

More often than not, I pick up tweek. Since we started hanging out again, I've picked him up and tried to talk to him every single morning to see if I missed anything. He's still the same, just less open. I feel bad about that.

But I'm glad that he didn't really change all that much. I got him to stop drinking so much coffee. It seems to be helping his twitches.

Now, it only happens every once in a while or when he's really anxious.

Every day, I take the same route. Same path. Just in case.

I pick up clyde, then tweek, and then I drive past the bus stop, usually seeing Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny. I pick craig up because I know how he feels about them, but I didn't see him today.

"Hey, tweek?" I speak up, glancing at him through my rear view mirror.

"Hm?" He hummed, looking over at me.

"Have you seen craig recently?" I ask. He nodded.

"We got into an argument on Saturday, and he was acting weird all Sunday.." tweek mumbled while messing with his hands. I nodded.

Craig does take things pretty hard. Maybe he's just having trouble with that and therapy. All I know is that I need to check on him.
I pulled into the schools parking lot, parking in my regular spot.

Tweek kept his seatbelt buckled until the car was parked, but clyde immediately unbuckled.

I rolled my eyes as he got out of my car as quickly as he could. Tweek took his time gathering his stuff. I appreciated that because I also needed time to get my things.

Clyde doesn't really think in the moment. I mean, he does, but not well. He awkwardly stood outside of my car and got his things because he jumped out before he was ready.

I let out a sigh before getting out of the car and making sure that everyone had everything before locking it.

We walked into school, just the three of us before clyde broke off and went to go find bebe. I don't really like bebe that much, honestly.

I'm not sure why.

I glanced at tweek, who was holding tightly onto his backpack straps, looking around. He always does this, hoping to see craig, but I think he knows that it's stupid and Craig's not there. He just hopes that he's late or something. I get it.

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