boyfriend, girlfriend : 13

74 4 16

"I just want someone to talk to whenever I start feeling alone."
Epic Tyler, The Creator reference.

Kinda cringe 🤫

Craig pov:

I woke up with tweeks soft blonde hair lying against my bare chest. I blushed to myself remembering the events of last night. I kissed the top of my new boyfriend's head, holding him closer to me.

He squirmed and sat up, rubbing his eyes. I watched him as he yawned and stretched. It reminded me of a cat when they've just woken up from a nap.

Tweek turned his head and saw me observing him. He gave me a little smile and leaned down to place a small kiss on my lips. He set a hand on my chest and yawned again.

"Good morning, boyfriend." Tweek said in a quiet voice.

"Good morning to you too, boyfriend." Replied in the same tone with a laugh.

"My back hurts." Tweek mumbled. I blushed and cleared my throat. The blonde only smirked at my embarrassment.

"Let's brush our teeth." Tweek said while smiling and getting out from under his covers. I followed, and we walked to the bathroom, still in only boxers. I then remembered what he told me last night about his parents getting home on Tuesday.

Tweek handed me a new toothbrush. I got it out of its packaging and ran it under water, waiting for tweek to put toothpaste on it for me. He squeezed out a glob right in the middle of it.

After we were done, I spat in the sink and washed my mouth out with water, getting the toothpaste that made its way outside of my mouth off of my lips. I did an awkward looking teeth check, kind of hoping that they'd take my braces off in time for senior year so I didn't have to take my school pictures with them on.

"What do you think of my braces?" I asked tweek, feeling insecure about them. Tweek was wiping off his face before I asked the question. He looked at me in the mirror.

"Smile." He mumbled.

I did as he asked, my usual on command awkward smile.

"I mean, actually smile stupid." Tweek giggled with a smile.

"There we go." He said quietly, looking intently at the mirror. I tried to keep the same smile, and looking at tweek made it easier.

"I think you look cute with them. I also remember how fucked your teeth were without them." Tweek giggled. I frowned at him.

"Come on. You look cute. They do make your face rounder, and it makes you look less intimidating and more friendly." I grimaced at his comment. I don't want to seem friendly because that means people will try to talk to me.

"In a couple of months, they'll be off, and your teeth will be straighter than you." He joked, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled softly at his touch. He walked out of the bathroom and waited for me. I ruffled my hair and poked at my 'round' cheeks.

"Come on. You're very handsome craig." Tweek mumbled, a blush appearing across his cheeks.

"Really?" I asked with a slight frown looking at myself. This is why I don't ever take a good look at myself. I always hate what I see.

"What could you possibly not like about this face?" Tweek asked while walking back into the bathroom, cupping my face, sort of smooshing it.

I tried my best not to smile because I really didn't want to until tweek started making me want to.

I shook my head. "All of it." I mumbled. "I don't like any of it."

Tweek looked at me, his eyes filled with concern for me.

To Second Chances [Craig x Tweek]Where stories live. Discover now