acceptance. : 21

63 4 40

Shorter chapter

Craig pov:

It's been silent for almost a minute.

My dad finally gives me something other than a blank stare.

To tweek is was a shrug. To me, it was everything.

His simple little gesture told me, "I don't care. It's fine with me. Live your life. I love you for who you are."

This means that I probably won't get kicked out.

I held onto tweeks hand a little tighter as my mom finally turned to me.

"I'm guessing he's the one who's been giving you all of these hickeys?" She asks, pointing to tweek. I reluctantly nodded.

"And I assume you guys have fucked before right?" She questioned catching me off guard.

"Not without protection." Tweek piped in. I pinched my nose bridge.

My mom hummed in amusement.

"It's fine. I don't care, just please be careful. There are people in this world who will harass you for being you. I don't want to hear that my son and his boyfriend were killed or injured because they held hands or kissed in public." She explained. I nodded.

Nothing could hide the smile on mine and tweeks faces.

We turned to head upstairs, but my mom stopped us.

Tweek paused, fully expecting an interrogation.

"No, it's fine for you to go upstairs, sweetheart. I just need to talk to craig for one minute." She said to tweek, giving him a kind smile that seemed to calm his nerves and put the smile right back on his face.

He looked to me and nodded before heading upstairs to my room.

I turned back to my mom, who was still smiling. She rested her hands on my shoulders.

"Honestly, if you would have told me that you were dating anyone other than tweek, I wouldn't have believed you, and I would be a little upset with you. That boy is in love with you. He has been for years. If you told me you were dating that Donovan boy, I would have been a little concerned about your taste. I like tweek. I think there isn't a better person for you.." she paused. "I think you did good, son." My Dad spoke up from his spot on the couch.

I was smiling like an idiot.

"I'm really glad that it's him." She finished.

I nodded. "Me too."

She smiled bigger and patted me on the shoulder before motioning for me to go upstairs.

I listened and went to join tweek, who, to my surprise, was sitting on the stairs. He was tearing up, a hand covering his mouth in genuine shock.

I laughed lightly before sitting next to him and consoling him. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug while he sobbed lightly against my shoulder, hugging me back. I rubbed his back.

"See? They love you." I whispered into his ear. He cried a little more before he calmed down.

We were back in my room, both having the biggest smile on our faces.

We sat on my bed, facing each other. Like we always did when we needed to talk about important things.

"Tweek. I love you so much. Knowing my family does, too, is the best because now I have nothing stopping me from marrying you." I stated softly, holding onto his hands. Making sure that he knows I mean it.

He blushed, but not in a dirty way like before. This way was him being flustered because of my sick charm. (Sftu craig. Ruining the moment. 😒)

Tweek smiled, and tears started to build in his eyes again.

"I'm sorry," He said while letting go of one of my hands to wipe his tears away. "I don't know why I'm so emotional right now."

"It's absolutely fine, honey. Be as emotional as you want."

This didn't help his tears. It infact made them worse.

I didn't care. I was just happy that he wasn't crying because he was sad.

Or maybe he is.

I think he's crying for us right now.

I couldn't care less what it was. I was just happy to be the one making him feel all of these things. No one else.

I sighed out a laugh as I wiped his tears with my hands and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

I pulled away and rested my forehead on his. Some tears still snuck out of his eyes every now and then, but I was there to wipe them away.

I was sooooo happy.


It's not the first time I've ended one of these chapters like that, and Def won't be the last.

This one was really cute, I'll admit. It made me feel fuzzy on the inside bc I just imagined this with someone I know.

I just thought yall needed some fluff for what's about to go down in the chapter that's not exactly after this but is in the future.

I waited to post it today because today marks the first day of Pride Month, and this might actually be the gayest thing I have ever written.

So yes, happy pride month to all of my homosexuals and queers. I love yall sm and it's people like you (and me bc I'm also gay) who inspires me to write this shit (it's not shit it's a reason for living).

Mwah! Stay safe!

Words: 893

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