secrets : 10

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Clyde pov:

There's something that's been bothering me for a couple of weeks now. And it probably doesn't matter much to anyone else, but I can't help but feel like it does, and people know.

There's been a certain hostility with my friends that I can't describe. New years was three days ago, and people are already mad at each other.

Tweek is mad at Craig because craig is being insensitive and clingy, craig it mad at tweek because he 'hurt his feelings'. I know that because craig came over to my house late at night and basically cried on me saying that he fucked everything up again and then he passed out on my couch. And Tolkiens mad at craig because I told him about what happened and so did tweek.

I'm not exactly mad at craig. I just think he's dealing with a lot. I'm his best friend. I can't just leave him alone right now.

I glanced at craig, who was still asleep before going onto my phone and scrolling up to an old message between me and tweek from a few weeks ago.

Hey, tweek. Craig's over. Do you also want to come over? 😏

Is that not weird

Just come over

What if craig gets mad?

He won't, I promise.
Now come over here 😭

It was the night that everyone came over.

It was also the night where craig cried on me and tweek for the first time in a very long time.

That was the first time we'd all been hanging out in the same place on purpose.

I was so happy to have my friends all in the same place because I really missed our group. I don't think anyone really thought about how other people felt when we were broken up. But I did. I wondered how badly it bothered Tolkien. I wondered how badly tweek was hurting and how mad he was at craig. I wondered if craig felt immense disappointment and guilt. Probably not. I think he just blocked it out.

Still, I wondered what everyone felt about it. It's not like people came out and shared their feelings with the world. I just wanted them to want to share it with me.

But no one did.

I looked over at craig, who had started to stir awake on my couch.

Do I show him the messages? Yeah. I think I have to.

I waited until he was fully awake and knew why he was there. He looked embarrassed.

"Look, clyde, I'm sorry about last night. I should've just dealt with it myself and not given that burden to you. I'm sorry. If you want me to leave, I can -" "No. Craig, stay here. I like it when you let me know how you're feeling instead of acting monotone and only showing emotion in front of Tolkien or tweek all the time. I'm your friend too. I don't care that you got upset. Well, I do care, but I'm not mad at you. I'm glad that you came to my house. I just don't want your first plan to ever go out and smoke again. Thank you for coming to me, craig." I interrupted as he started to apologize.

He looked a little confused. Or, maybe on edge? Or surprised? I can't read craig very well.

He stood up and walked over to the couch I was sitting on. He awkwardly held his arms open for a hug. I grinned, stood up, and gave him a bear hug.

It's been a couple of weeks since I hugged craig. It's been a couple of weeks since I've seen him this vulnerable.

We pulled away from the hug, or at least he did, and I didn't want to annoy him, so I did too. And he sat down on the couch I was sitting on. Not exactly next to me, but close enough where I could show him text messages if I wanted to.

To Second Chances [Craig x Tweek]Where stories live. Discover now