preparations : 27

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Craig pov:

It made me uncomfortable how close the 29th was. It's the Friday before it's happening, and I'm actually shitting myself.

Clyde was here telling me not to worry, but he doesn't really have that calming effect that tweek and Tolkien have.

So here I was.

I was pacing around my room with clyde telling me to just sit down.

"What if I ruin it and say something stupid. Oh god, what if Kyle shows up. What if tweek was right and it's cartman. Then I've wasted my time." I rambled.

"Dude. Don't fret. I'm serious it's probably not a big deal. Come on. If your relationship with tweek is what you're worried about, then stop. You guys have almost been together for a month. And you're going on strong. I thought that the bruise was gonna be the end of you guys, but it wasn't. If you guys can stay together after something big like that, there's no reason to worry." Clyde stood up and rested his hands on my shoulders. "If it's cartman, just leave and don't let him speak to you. It's that easy."

I nodded. "But what if it is Kyle. What'll I do."

"If it's Kyle, then maybe hear what he has to say and leave if he gets too close. Or punch him again." Clyde said. I could tell that he was trying, so I stopped freaking out and just sat down on the edge of my bed, him following.

I let out a sigh. "Thanks, dude." I mumbled.

"Uh, craig."


"Can I talk to you about something." Clyde asked. His face flushed.

"I swear to god dude, if you're about to tell me that you're in love with me, I'll seriously start crying." I blurted out.

He paused and looked at me with disgust before shaking his head violently.

"No, dude. But it is something like that." He mumbled.

"Alright. Shoot. You can tell me about anything." I said while putting my hands up to show I wasn't crossing my fingers.

He smiled softly before taking a deep breath in.

"So like almost two weeks ago, I was talking with Tolkien, and he asked me out." He stated bluntly.

I was shocked.

"You and Tolkien?" I asked. He nodded. My jaw dropped further.

"No way. That's awesome." I tried not to sound sarcastic. I think they've been around me long enough to know when I actually being sarcastic, and when I'm not.

"Thanks, dude. We've liked each other for a while, and I finally said something about it. He's really sweet, craig." He gushed.

I nodded. "He's a very thoughtful person."

"Oh my God, he issss!" Clyde said while turning his body over dramatically and laying on me. I let out a small laugh and  pushed him off of me, being careful not to push him completely off of the bed.

"So what does he like - do. He always kept his relationship with Nicole a secret." I asked.

"He's very - romantic? I don't want to sound gross, but that's the only word I can think of. His love language is definitely gift giving and quality time. When I said yes to being his boyfriend, he joked and asked if he could buy me a house. But I don't think he was really joking all that much." Clyde explained while messing with his hands.

"Hm, so no more spin the bottle or like freaky truth or dare." I asked.

I was referring to the one time I had to kiss clyde for a game a few years back.

He shook his head no.

I chuckled lightly.

"Thanks for coming over, dude. I was seriously stressing, and both our boyfriends are busy." I said with a small frown.

"So I was the 3rd choice." He said with a bigger frown.

I shrugged. "I don't really believe in that stuff."

"But you asked tweek first, right?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"If I'm stressed, I always talk to Tolkien about it." I answered.

"Why?" Clyde questioned.

I shrugged. "He's just a good comforter and a good listener. You should try to talk to him about your issues. Maybe not only him but you know."

"But I talk to either you or tweek about my issues..." he paused.

I laughed.

"Wow, alright, that's cool." I mumbled with a smile.

He playfully hit my shoulder.

"What?" I asked.

"What do you mean what. I just told you I go to you for my issues, and you don't care?" He questioned dramatically.

I shrugged. "Isn't that what you've always done? We're best friends, it's not like it's weird for you to come to me when you have an issue. I don't think it's weird for you to talk to tweek about it, either. The same way I talk to Tolkien is how you talk to tweek. It doesn't really bother me. What, do you want me to say that I'm honored that you vent to me or something?" I joked.

He nodded. "Yes, that's exactly what I want you to say."

"I'm honored that you vent to me?" It was more of a question than a statement.

"Thank you, craig." He smiled.

"Yeah, no problem." I mumbled.

There was a pause.

"Craig, did you know I was gay? Be honest." Clyde asks.

I shrugged. "I mean, you're really emotional sometimes. Plus, you definitely looked like you had a thing for Tolkien. So kinda. I knew you were bi, at least."

"Oh. I just thought that you were ace or something because you never ever talked about any girls or anything. Except for that time in 4th grade when you fake dated tweek. Oh, wait." He paused. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Damn so you've always been a fag?" He asked.

Shocked, I open my mouth dramatically. "That's homophobic."

"We both like men at least a little bit. I don't think it matters." Clyde smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Do you wanna play video games or something?"

He nods, and we both go downstairs. My mom was making dinner.


After dinner, clyde and I hung out in my room. I asked him more about how he felt with Tolkien. He said that he felt a million times better, and he felt more himself than ever.

I was happy for him. That's how it felt with tweek.

It felt like I had found the missing piece to me.

After clyde had gone home, I was going over what I'd say.

"Hey, so, what'd you want to talk to me about?" I started. I was staring at my ceiling like it was a person. "No, that's too nice.... hm. What do you want? Or what did you want." I thought for a moment.

"Definitely what did you want because they waited a fucking month and a half to see me. I wonder if they were anxious about it, too."

I huffed as I turned over in my bed.

Let's just get this shit over with.


Give me ideas for oneshots, please. I'm doing sp oneshots.


Stay safe! Mwah!

Words: 1188

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