emotional rollercoaster : 6

108 3 27

Depressive mood/habits

Craig pov:

The dream from last night haunted my brain. It played in my head every second of the day. I lied in bed, doing absolutely nothing but thinking about it.

It's already 4 pm and I haven't eaten anything.

I felt my phone buzz on my chest. I picked it up and saw that Tolkien texted me. I love him, but I really don't have time for this right now. I don't have time for anything. I don't even know what day it is.

Why do little things get me so out of sorts?

I heard a knock on my door.

I groaned. "What!" I yelled, my words laced with agitation.

"Lose the attitude, mister." My mom said while opening my door. She didn't come in she just stood outside of it. "Craig, baby, you need to eat something it's not good for you to skip meals. I can bring you food if you want?" She offered. I nodded.

It's not that I wasn't hungry, I was. I just didn't have an appetite.

She nodded back and smiled before closing the door. I heard her footsteps head down the stairs.

She didn't even ask me what I wanted to eat?

I sighed.

I didn't read Tolkiens messages. I just saw that they were from him. I picked up my phone and unlocked it. I went to my contacts and scrolled a little until I found the old group chat.

I sent the first text in years.

Are any of you guys like super busy for Christmas?

And we'll wait.

Tweek texted back almost immediately.

Yoy already knwo htat my shcedule's free.

I don't really celebrate with family

Sure, I can hang out.

I'm busy on Christmas. City call called me to sing.

You sing every year. You can't skip out one time?

No. I'm sorry, fellas.

It's fine.
We'll hang out after Christmas with you Jimmy.

Alright. Have fun guys.

Thnak you Jimmy.

So what are we gonna do

Ice skating?

I havnet ice skated sicne I was ljttle

Alright, so we're going ice skating on Christmas?

Ig so

I forgot how bad tweeks typos were. They've gotten worse throughout the years. And I may have been one of the reasons for that.

With you know. The coffee.

I got out of my bed for the first time today to use the bathroom.

After I was done, I walked out and saw Ruby also coming out of her room.

"Craig, I need some advice." She said while eyeing me. I stopped and turned to her.

"About what?" I asked.

"So I like someone, and they're close to me, and I really want to tell them, but I don't want to ruin our friendship. They used me to practice for their crush, but they got rejected." She rambled.

To Second Chances [Craig x Tweek]Where stories live. Discover now