prozac please : 28

48 3 22

Kinda short chapter

Craig pov:

All day I've been nervous. I've been frequently checking the time to see if the time to meet had gotten any closer.

I told Tolkien that he had to hang out with me today just for emotional support because I was either going to be fighting someone or awkward as hell. And I needed Tolkien to either stop me or comfort me.

Plus, I had already asked tweek and clyde, and they were both busy.

I was sitting in Tolkien's car. We had been driving around for most of the day, doing random shit.

He was trying to keep my mind off of things, and it was working for the most part.

I sat and stared out of the window while "without me" by Eminem was playing. I was nodding my head slightly to it.

This is also not really the music I listen to all the time, but come on. Who hasn't listened to Eminem and liked it before?

It's Eminem.

Tolkien was muttering the lyrics to himself as he drove.

"Do you want to get food?" He asks, making me perk up and turn to him. I give him a small nod, and he returns the gesture.

"What do you want?"

"Uh, you pick." I mumble.

He nods again, and after a couple minutes of driving, he pulls up to a McDonald's. It's not what I expected, but I don't care. Food is food.

...(I couldn't figure out what to make them get, so time skip...)

"I don't know how you manage to spill things on yourself so easily." He laughs. I groaned and took some napkins and started to pat my sweater dry.

"Maybe you should just take it off?" He suggests. I shrug.

"But you know, at least your favorite soda is Sprite, so you dont bave to worry about a stain." Tolkien snickered.

"Dude, it's everywhere. It's like vanilla ice cream. It's nice and boring." I laughed with him, but I wasn't joking.

"Oh god." He chuckled as he wiped a tear from his eye.

I rolled mine and just waited for him to stop, continuing to try and dry my hoodie.

"I'm blaming this on you." I mumbled, a small smile forming on my lips, remembering the joke that made me spill my soda. It wasn't too much, and all of it landed on me.

He chuckles some more before just telling me to take it off.

"But what if I get cold?" I groaned.

"You won't be standing outside for long. You'll be fine. I just don't want you to be sticky in my car." He explains while making a face at the 'sticky' word.

I nodded and started to pull off my hoodie.

"Alright, now where do I put it?" Tolkiens eyes wandered to my scarred arm. I moved it back to hide it a little.

He made a face and nodded before holding out his hand so he could take it.

I handed it to him, and he put it in his back seat.

"I'm probably gonna forget it." I mumbled.

"Well, it's not like you don't have a million more blue nasa hoodies." He mocked.

I rolled my eyes and relaxed in my seat.

I was glad that the soda had only gotten on my jacket and that my shirt was dry. Otherwise, I would've been freezing.

"So what do you want to do now." He sighs.

I shrugged.

"It's almost four. So, can you start driving to starks?" I asked.

He made a face at me. I groaned. "Please?"

"Like you mean it."

I sighed. "Can you please start driving us to starks?"

A smile tugged on his lips. "You got it, Tucker."

I smiled slightly and just let out a calm sigh before he pulled out of the random parking lot.

It dawned on me the amount of time that we've got left of school.

"I love you, bro." I mumbled.

"What was that craig?"

"I love you." I spoke up.

Tolkien smiled. "Thanks. I love you too, craig."

"As friends though, right?" I asked worriedly even though I know he's with clyde, and I'm with tweek. I don't want it to be more.

"Obviously as friends craig." He laughs.

I nod and laugh lightly with him.

"Do you think tweek and I would ever get married?" I was just thinking out loud at this point.

"If you both want it, then yes." I nodded.

"I do."

"I'm glad that you found someone craig. Even if you've already known that he was your someone. Still. I'm just happy for you."

"Thank you, Tolkien. You know, clyde told me about you two. I'm happy for you too." He tensed up slightly, then calmed down.

I'm literally gay I don't know why he'd think that I care.

I mean, I do, I support him, but it doesn't affect me or the way I feel about him.

He sighed.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Craig, I really like him. I'm a little scared of it." He explained.

I nodded. "That's how I feel about tweek."

"Was it hard? Becoming something with one of your best friends?" He asked.

I shook my head. "It was hard coming to the realization that I was gay, but no. The first time I kissed tweek, it felt normal. Like it should've happened years ago." I smiled to myself as I explained it.

He nodded.

It was about 4 when we pulled into the starks Pond parking lot and found a place in the empty area. Literally, no one was there.

I stretched and got out of the car.

"I really hope I'm not meeting with some douchebag." I mumbled.

"I think if it was some douchebag, they wouldn't have asked to meet you." Tolkien explained, calming me down a little.

It wasn't as cold as I expected it to be, but it was still fucking cold.

I sighed and started to walk over to the pond part.

I stood there awkwardly, messing with my hands and looking around.

"I don't really know what I'm supposed to do. Do I just stand here?" I call out to Tolkien, who was standing in the parking lot, leaning up against his car. He was only a little bit away from me.

He just shrugs.

As I'm looking at him, his jaw drops. I then feel someone tap me on the shoulder.

I turn around and am met with...


Hah cliffhanger

I'm getting braces on the 26th. They have to remove two of my teeth to do it, and I also have to get an expander :(

My teeth have issues

Anyway, stay safe. Mwah

Words: 1113

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