detective? : 2

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The sound of my alarm ran through my ears as I sat up in my bed. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and picked up my phone to check the time.


I have no fucking clue why I have to wake up so early. I dont even need much time because I do barley anything.

I popped my hands and neck and got out of bed to get ready.

As I made my way to the bathroom, change of clothes and towel in hand, I decided that I'm going to try to be a little nicer to people today. Not for me. Kinda for me. I just want tweek to notice my efforts at trying to be better. Its not entirely fake though. I do want to at least try to get nicer.

After I dried off and brushed my teeth, I put a pair of black jeans on and paired it with a plain white t-shirt.

It really doesn't matter what shirt I wore because I was just going to cover it up with my jacket anyway. I threw on my hat and walked downstairs.

I wasn't enthusiastic about school, but I wasn't trying to be enthusiastic. I was only trying to be nice, so I guess it doesn't matter.

I saw my mom and little sister in the kitchen, talking about whatever they were talking about.

I didn't care enough to listen.

I walked in and smiled at both of them before opening the fridge.

I knew that they gave each other a look because they paused their conversation for a brief moment after i had walked into the room.

I looked around for something to eat before deciding I wasn't hungry. I closed the fridge and walked out of the kitchen and to the front door.

I grabbed my shit and put my shoes on.

"Bye ruby. Bye, mom." I yelled before I walked out of my house.

I was heading towards my bus stop when I saw tweek. I stopped and called out to him.

"Tweek!" He tensed and stopped to look around to see who had called him.

Once he saw me, he gave me a warm smile and crossed the road to walk with me. He kept looking around him when he was crossing the road. He saw a car coming and immediately started running. Once he finally got across, he was a little out of breath. He didn't speak for a moment to breathe.

As soon as he could finally breathe, we were walking and talking about random shit. I don't think he fully trusts me yet, but he trusts me enough to yap with me about nerd stuff.


I paused before asking why he was comfortable talking to me. He stopped walking, and since we were walking together, I stopped too. As I stood there silently waiting for his answer, I started to mess with my hat. As he was thinking of what he was going to say, someone honked at us. We turned around to see tolkien and clyde in Tolkiens car. Clyde rolled down the window before telling us to get in. Tweek and I glanced at each other before getting in the car. Clyde turned the radio on full blast. He had 'there's nothing holding me back' by Shawn Mendes playing. It's not the type of music I listen to, so I just sat there in silence. But, even if I did know the song, I would've still stayed quiet.

Tweek was humming quietly while tapping his legs to the beat of the song. I was staring like a creepo because that's what I do best, I guess. He didn't notice this time. Unless he did, and I just couldn't tell. If he did notice and his demeanor didn't change, that means that he's getting more comfortable around me. I'm grateful for that because I really miss him as a friend.

I relaxed in my seat and took in everything. Reprocessing is what I do best.

We soon arrived at school, 'where the learning happens' even though everyone knows that's the last thing people do at school.

To Second Chances [Craig x Tweek]Where stories live. Discover now