new kid : 19

76 2 21

Long chapter 😘

Craig pov:

My friends are making me go to school every day this week and every day for the rest of the year. The condition is I can't skip and I can only stay home if I'm deathly sick.

This sucks ass.

Tweek squeezed my hand as we walked through the hallways. We've been dating for almost 3 weeks, and he's already comfortable with holding my hand in school. I'm pretty sure everyone already knows that we're together.

Not that it's a bad thing. I want people to know that we're dating. I just wish that people weren't so judgmental about it.

I glanced at my boyfriend, who gave me a look. A look that said, "Whatever you're thinking, stop thinking it."

I sighed and leaned down slightly to whisper my thoughts to him.

"People keep looking at us." I murmured.

"So?" He looked at me with another weird look. I'm not sure what it was about.

"I don't know. I just thought it would bother you."

Tweek shook his head no. "Does it bother you?" He questioned.

I shrugged. "You know I don't like being the center of attention."

We walked up to his locker, and I stood there waiting for him to get what he needed. It takes him a little bit because of how shaky he gets at school. I don't help him because one time he growled at me when I tried to, and it honestly scared me. A lot.

"It's only going to last for a week or two." He mumbled while taking out his books. "They'll stop staring eventually."

He closed his locker and stepped forward, nudging his shoulder at me to signal that he was ready to go to class.

I held onto his bag strap because his hands were full, and I didn't want to lose him in the crowded hallway.

We don't have 1st hour together, so I dropped him off at his class and walked to mine.

This one I was trying to avoid by coming in late or skipping.

This is the one I sit next to Kyle in.

It wasn't all bad before because he's funny and I agree with him about a lot of things, plus he gave me the answers, but I just can't deal with him anymore. He tried to break tweek and I up, and he made out with me when I was clearly not sober.

He's a douche bag.

I sat down in my seat and glanced to my right. Either he's not coming at all, or he's late. Preferably the first one.

I need to start paying more attention in this class because Kyle was the one who always gave me the answers. Now I don't have anyone who will, and English is not what I'm good at.

I groaned to myself as I watched the red head walk in. He looked surprised to see me. I put my head down on my desk and used my arms as pillows so I didn't have to see him.

He sat in his regular seat and cleared his throat.

"Um, hey, craig." He greeted quietly.

"What." I grumbled, my voice muffled because of my sleeves.

"Look, I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"Be as sorry as you want. I really don't care." I snapped. Why is he apologizing to me? He should be apologizing to tweek.

I lifted my head to look at him. His eyebrows were furrowed, and he looked hurt by my words. If it were anyone else, I wouldn't have cared, but honestly, I don't know what it is about this dude.

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