jumpy : 23

50 4 16

Smoking(cough cough towelie.)
Kinda short chapter 🤫🤫

Craig pov:

I was sitting outside of the school. I was skipping. I know I wasn't really supposed to because of the deal, but I really don't care about that anymore.

I felt arms wrap around me. On instinct, I flinched and purposely hit them with my elbow. Only to turn around and realize that I had done it to clyde.

"Oh shit man that fucking hurt." He said while clutching his side and hunching over.

"I'm sorry I didn't know who it was." I apologized while standing up and facing him.

"No -" He grunted. "It's fine. I shouldn't have done that." He mumbled.

"But you also shouldn't have been skipping." He wiped a small tear away from his eye, making me feel even worse.

"I know." I mumbled.

"So why were you?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

He rolled his eyes before gently grabbing my arm, dragging me back into the school.

The next bell rang as we got back. Grabbing our stuff, we went to 3rd period.

I relaxed in my seat and laid my head down. I was trying to take a nap when I got a note thrown at me.

I uncrumpled it and read, 'at 4 pm. Don't forget.'

I felt myself get annoyed.

Standing up abruptly, i needed a word with people. "Alright who the fuck just threw this at me?" I shouted, holding the note up.

"Because someone's been doing that, and it's getting on my nerves. If you need to talk to me, just talk to me. God." And with that, I sat back down in my seat, feeling embarrassed at my outburst.

Tweek was looking at me confused. I handed him the note for him to read it. He nodded and handed it back to me with a twitch.

To my surprise, the teacher said nothing to me about what happened.

I laid my head down the rest of the period.


I was grateful for the bell. As soon as it rang, I was the first person out of the class. Making my way to mine and my friend's normal table.

I felt someone wrap their arms around my neck in a hug. I flinched slightly but didn't do what I did to clyde earlier. It was tweek this time.

"Woah you okay?" He asks, noticing my reaction. I just nod. I can tell that he doesn't believe me, but he doesn't push it.

He takes a seat next to me, Tolkien being on the other side of me.

Tweek gently takes my hand in his.

"Craig. What is up with you." Clyde says, motioning his hands to me.

"Fix your face." Tolkien mumbled.

I groan and stand up, letting go of tweeks hand, storming off to the bathroom.

I got into the stall furthest away from the door and sat down on the floor, burrying my face into my palms.

I heard someone walk into the bathroom in a hurry. They used the bathroom, pissed, washed their hands, and were about to leave when they noticed me.

I heard a slight chuckle.

"Are those craig fucker's shoes?" I heard a voice call from the other side of the stall. A voice that belonged to the school quarterback. Stan marsh.

"Dude, go away." I grumbled.

To Second Chances [Craig x Tweek]Where stories live. Discover now