drugged : 22

65 3 43

Sh mentions (nothing big)
Longer chapter


Last night was I think the best night of my life. Other than the night I asked tweek to be my boyfriend.

It was the best it could've gone, actually.
A scenario I hadn't even imagined.

My parents seemed almost joyful. Maybe because they wouldn't ever have to deal with me telling them that I got a girl pregnant.

Which I wouldn't have done anyway, but I think they know that now.

I laid in bed with tweek. I didn't know if this was one of the times when I was too clingy or not. But he insisted that he was okay with sleeping over.

So I think we're fine.

I just don't want a repeat of last time because that sent me spiraling.

Tweek was already asleep. I was a little surprised because he usually falls asleep after me, but all of the crying must've tuckered him out.

(Haha. Tuckered. Pun intended.)


Monday at school was no different than any other Monday. I desperately wanted to skip, but I couldn't.

Because of the deal that I so stupidly made.

I was tired and didn't want to talk to anyone.

The only difference from any other day was that I got my braces tightened yesterday after I dropped tweek off at his house.

I always hated getting them tightened because they hurt like a bitch for no god damn reason.

It became a habit of mine to just not talk whenever I first got my braces.

It just happens. They get tightened, and i go nonverbal. At first, it was because I was embarrassed, but now it's just something I can count on.

I'm not really sure why I still do it.

The lunch bell rang, and I gathered my things before making my way to the cafeteria.

I sat down at my usual lunch table and just laid my head down. Today was an off day.

It's not like I didn't hate school every time I came. It's just different.

I heard my friends sit down at the table next to me. When I felt a hand softly rubbing my back, I knew that it was tweek's.

I don't think I informed anyone about my braces tightening. Maybe they've just already assumed.

Tolkien pov:

"Do not." I mouth across the table to clyde who was about to chuck a fry at craig.

We were the reason he was here. I'm trying to make him enjoy school, not dread it even more.

Clyde snickered as he got ready to throw it. Tweek sent him a glare, and he quickly stopped and ate the fry instead. I let out a sigh.

We dodged a bullet.

Craig pov:

I still felt tweek rubbing my back. I glanced at him, and he smiled softly at me.

I didn't return the look. I just didn't feel like smiling right now.

I sat up and rested my head on his shoulder, feeling overwhelmingly tired.

"Babe." I mumbled.

"Yes, craig?"

"I'm tired."

The first three words I've said today, and they're me complaining.

"Do you want to go somewhere you can sleep?" He asks, I nod and sit up, grabbing my backpack.

To Second Chances [Craig x Tweek]Where stories live. Discover now