i dont have a problem : 14

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Looooooong chapter

Craig pov:


"Come on, craig, you have to leave my house! You've been here for two more days than you asked to stay." Tweek scolded while trying to get me to let him out of the hug I had him trapped in.

"Do you not love me anymore?" I asked dramatically.

"Stop being silly. Of course I love you, I just need a break." Tweek mumbled, a little offended by my question. "And I'm sure your mom wants you home." He added.

I sighed and let him go. I grabbed my hat and walked out of his room with him following behind me.

I got to the front door, and I turned to tweek before opening it. Tweek was still in my jacket. I frowned at him, and he smiled while shaking his head, stepping forward, pulling me into a quick hug. After we pulled away, he kissed me softly on the lips and sent me home.

It was cold, and I was glad that I had driven to his house instead of walking because I now didn't have my jacket. I walked into my house, and my mom was sitting on the couch. She glanced up at me, unphased by my coming home days after I asked to only stay one more night.

"Craig, sit down." She mumbled.

I looked at her weirdly.

"I'm home, I'm fine, I was just at tweeks a little longer than I thought I'd be. I'm sorry." I explained, thinking that's what it was about.

"That's not what this is about." She muttered with an eyebrow raised.

I sighed and sat down on the couch that she wasn't sitting on.

She looked at me, her face having the word "sorry" written all over it. I knew by her expression that whatever she was going to tell me wasn't good.

"What is it?" I asked, feeling myself start to worry, anxiety settling in the pit of my stomach.

"I scheduled a therapy appointment for you on Thursday." She said abruptly. My heart dropped.

"Why?" I asked, feeling upset and honestly a little betrayed.

"I think it'd be good for you. You don't have to see the counselor at your school, just the therapist. It's a girl." Mom explained.

"Shouldn't a guy have a dude therapist?" I questioned.

Mom didn't answer my question.

I got up with a defeated sigh. My whole world is feeling like it's crashing down on me. I don't need therapy. I'm fine. I don't know why everyone has that attitude towards me. Like they think I need help. I don't.

I got into my room and went straight to my bed, taking my shoes off.

I lied down. I want to text tweek, but I doubt he'll answer. I've been bugging him all week.

I kinda feel bad for it.


I stared at my ceiling. The familiar glow in the dark stars stuck to it. The sun barely peeked through my blackout curtains, shining on my mint colored walls, which were long overdue for a new paint job.

I glanced at the space posters on my wall and wondered what tweek was doing.

Should I text him?

No. He needs a break from you.

I groaned and turned onto my side, thinking about the therapy appointment.

I needed to text someone, so I texted Tolkien.

To Second Chances [Craig x Tweek]Where stories live. Discover now