Chapter 3

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"Night Ameeriah," Jackson says as I shut the door.

I turn to set my bag down and before I can even take a step to do that, I hear a knock at my door.
There's no way someone could be at knocking at my door right now.

Opening it, I'm faced with a 6'2 Jackson.

I scrunch my brows. "Jackson? What are you.." But my words trail off as he opens the more and lets himself in.

"Why don't you come on in," I say sarcastically as I turn to face him.

He's got the most Jackson Jackson face on and I don't know how else to describe it.

"I've got such a good idea Ameeriah!" He says, looking determined and giddy.
"Yeah?" I sit down on my bed. "What's that?"

"Wes bet me that I couldn't stay celibate for a month," He says.
I sit there and raise my brows a little bit, waiting on the 'good idea' to be made known.

"Okay.." I drift off.
"Let me finish Ameeriah," he says in a serious tone. "I know you're so excited to hear my plan but hang on."

I roll my eyes.

"So basically, you're gonna help me," he says with a matter-of-fact smile.

"Hold me accountable, you know."
"Can't you get your friends to do it?" I say.

"Okay first off," he closes his eyes dramatically, "Ow, that one like, actually hurt, because I thought WE were friends. And second, my other friends are whores, Wes is the one who betted me so he's not gonna help and Adare is always with Wes so she's not gonna be much help either."

I scrunch my brows a bit as I watch a very animated Jackson argue his case to me.

"Yeah.. I don't know about that I've got.." I start, but he swiftly cuts me off.

"I'm not asking, Ameeriah. I've already promoted you. Honorary member of the keep Jackson celibate club," he finally finishes with the biggest grin on his face.

"Jackson I.." I start, and again, he cuts me off.
"No I know what you're gonna say. I don't have the time. I need to focus on my studies," he says, mocking me.
"I don't sound like that."

He ignores me and continues.
"But there's something in this for you too," he says with a sly expression, waiting for me to respond.
I raise my brows, "continue," I say annoyed.

"I'll date you."

I widen my eyes immediately. "Excuse me?"
"No, not like that, sorry let me continue," he says quickly.

"We'll pretend like we're together and that'll get Ryan off your back."
I scrunch my brows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"We'll fake date. I'll walk you to some classes, take you to some parties, get the word around that we're together and that fucking dipshit Ryan isn't gonna keep bothering you."

I'm really hesitant, but it doesn't sound like the worst idea.
Before I ponder about it for too long, I realize why it would be a bad idea.

"I don't think anyone's gonna take that very seriously, Jackson."
"What do you mean?"

I look at him with a you know what I'm talking about kind of expression, but he doesn't seem to catch on.
"Oh come on," I say.

"What!" He drags on.

I sigh.
"Jackson I don't mean to call you a man whore but," I drag out. "...You're kind of a man whore."
"Pfff, I am not," He says, completely talking out of his ass.

"Oh shut up you don't even sounded convinced yourself."

"I'm not like totally one."
I scrunch my brows, "you are though"
"Okay but not completely."
"Mhmmm," I start.

"Okay! Fine, whatever! Maybe just a little!"
I laugh quietly.

"Regardless," he emphasizes by closing his eyes. "I'm trying to not be that, and I need your help. And I'll help you in return."
"That's what I'm saying though Jackson, no one's gonna believe we're dating."

He shakes his head confidently.
"Don't underestimate my acting skills babe."


"See? I'm already good at this," he says with a stupid cocky smile.

I don't say anything, just looking at him looking at me intently.
"So what do you say?"

I sigh.
This could be really stupid.
Actually this is really stupid, but this would get Ryan to stop for a bit.

Finally, before I realize what words are coming out of my mouth, I agree.

"Yes!" Jackson shoots up from his chair.

"All aboard to ride the Jackson train," he drifts off before quickly saying, "wait no not like that I mean.. are you ready to hop on the..wait no that's worse."

I watch him with wide eyes and he tries to come up with a statement that doesn't sound completely out of pocket.

After a second he proudly starts talking again.
"All aboard the fake dating but real celibacy train!"

I sigh and roll my eyes. "You're so stupid," I laugh.
"Well if we're done here can I go to sleep?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah yeah," he says quickly as he starts to head for the door.

He opens the door before closing it slightly and turning to look at me.
"Oh I almost forgot! Every Friday and Saturday we have to hang out so that I won't be tempted to go to parties, orrr," he drag out. "You're just gonna have to come to the parties with me. Anyways alright goodnight see you later girlfriend."

"Fake girlfriend," I correct him, and then realize what he said.

"Wait what? We didn't agree on hanging out for.." I start to say but he leaves and shuts the door.


What did I get myself into?

✧∘* ˚.
Thanks for reading!
How are you guy liking Jackson's book so far?? There's a TON of my favorite tropes in this book I'm so excited to upload the rest!

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