Chapter 52

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I wake up with Ameeriah in my arms.
When I think about last night I think I could fucking scream. She was fucking incredible.

I never ever wanna see Ameeriah hurt, but I'm silently thanking my lucky stars for how much of a dumbass Ryan is to lose her.

Looking down at my chest, I can't see her face, just the back of her head, but I can feel her slow breathing and know that she's still asleep.

I'm so fucking gone for this girl and I'm in love with her, but I don't know if it's a good time to tell her that.
She's not the best with expressing her feelings or all the lovey dovey shit, so I really have no clue when to tell her.

I feel her begin to stir before she reaches her hand up to her face to rub her eyes. After a second, she rolls over.
"Hey," she whispers in a smile.
"Hey," I say, and I can't help but smile back at her as I look at her face.

We decide to go make some coffee, so we roll out of bed and I throw her one of my sweatshirts before I grab myself a t-shirt to walk out of my room.

When we open the door, I see the soft morning light shining into the kitchen and when I look over to the stove, Adare is standing making some eggs and Wes is hugging her from behind with his head on her shoulder, leaning into the crook of her neck.

I laugh slightly to myself when I see Wes being such a softie because he likes to act all tough around anyone else.

"I though you guys stayed at Adare's dorm last night?" I ask, and Wes slowly turns around.
"We did but we got hungry so we came here," Wes replies.

I nod my head and walk over to the coffee pot.

We all eat breakfast and then the girls go back to their dorm.
As soon as they leave, Wes starts to load the dishwasher and I sit on the chair in front of the counter.

"Can I ask you something?"
Wes just side eyes me like he knows this is about to start a conversation he doesn't wanna be in.

"I would say no but I know you're gonna ask me anyways." I don't say anything for a second, which prompts Wes to sigh. "Go ahead," he says annoyed in an exhale and I grin as I sit up and start to talk.

"How'd you tell Adare you loved her?"

He widens his eyes and shakes his head a little. "Okay starting off real strong I guess," he says under his breath as he grabs a coffee mug and dries it before putting it in the cabinet.

"Um I," he scrunches his face a little. "Do we really have to have this conversation right now?"

I just perch my lips together and nod my head.
He closes his eyes and sighs again. "She told me first, so it really wasn't much I thought about."

I widen my eyes a little bit. "She told you first? You little bitch."

"Okay woah woah," he says defensively. "I'll have you know that this was all before we even starting dating. She got pissed at me one day and then called me an asshole and then said it out of anger."

"Do you hear yourself Wes? You're not making your case any better."
"Whatever dude!"

"So I need to make Ameeriah mad enough to say it out of anger, got it," I say sarcastically. "Making a mental note in my head," I add on, while prompts Wes to roll his eyes.

"I had been in love with Adare since like first fucking grade man, it wasn't even something that I felt like I needed to vocalize because I had just felt it for so long," he says a little softer than his previous statements.

"Aw you little romantic."
"Shut up," he says with a stern, straight face.

"What do you think I should do?" I ask, as a genuine question because I'm fucking lost.

"I don't know really," he kinda sighs. "I think questioning to say it is reason enough to say it." And he actually sounds sincere.

We're silent for a second, just hearing the sound of Wes putting up the dishes before he starts speaking again.
"You need to pay me every time you wanna talk about your feelings. I vomit in my mouth every time so I need financial compensation."

"No fuck you," I pipe up. "You owe me money because I didn't hook up with any randoms this semester."
He just rolls his eyes and doesn't reply as he picks up his phone.

"I gotta go grab my practice jersey from my car," he says as he walks out the door.

A second later, I hear a Venmo notification.

+$100 from Wes Graham

In small letters under the notification there's some little words.

Tell her

✧∘* ˚.
Thanks for reading!
Every time I read some of u guys' comments I genuinely feel like this is a cf story (which I happen to love to post on) so literally dm me you guys' insta user if u want and I'm gonna follow & add some of you to my cf story BAHAH u guys def fit the vibe

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