Chapter 50

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We all drove together and when get to the party, I try and make myself miserable because it's Jared who's throwing the party, but I'm not gonna lie, all my people are here.
It's hard for me to not have a good time.

We just ignore Jared the entire time and talk with our friends.
I can tell that out of all of us, Wes and Adare hate it the most.
But it's whatever, we've gotta be here so who cares.

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It's been about an hour since we've gotten here, and Adare and Wes go to "get a water" every fifteen minutes so that they can sit in the quiet kitchen for a little.
I keep Ameeriah tucked by my side the whole time.

After a while, I notice Ameeriah pick her head up and look in a different direction, and for a second I think she spotted Ryan at the party, but then she pipes up in excitement.

"OhmygoshAdog," she mumbles out quickly and grabs onto my hoodie pocket as she begins walking, dragging me with her.

We pass one of my friend's girlfriend as we're walking. "Walk him like a dog Ameeriah," the girlfriend says and then laughs after.

After we pet the dog for a good ten minutes, we head back over to the group.

She's laughing and cutting up with the people we're standing with.
"I'm gonna go run to the bathroom real quick," Ameeriah says into my ear and I nod my head.

A minute later, Adare and Wes finally stroll back up after being MIA every so often.
"We're about ready to leave," Wes says.

I contort my face a little. "We've only been here for like an hour let's stay a little longer—" I say as soon as Ameeriah walks up.
"Hey Jackson you about ready to go?" She says.
"Mhm, yeah yup, I'm ready" I nod my head. "I'm tired, let's go," I say as I put my arm over Ameeriah's shoulder and I start walking.

As we pass Wes, I hear him scoff a little. "You little whipped bitch," he laughs lightly.
"Yeah?" I say as I notice his arm over Adare's shoulders. "Coming from you," I mumble.

"I didn't say it was a bad thing," he mumbles back.

We drive back to campus and first drop off Wes and Adare at the dorms because they're staying there tonight.
When we get to the apartment, it's almost pitch black, but we're about to go to sleep, so I just click on the bathroom light so that we can see before we walk into my room.

"Was that our first party where we weren't fake dating?" Ameeriah asks as she leans her back slightly on the kitchen counter.
The soft orange glow of the lighting coming from the bathroom is ever so gently on her face.

"I think so, yeah," I kinda laugh as I grab a water from the fridge.
As I turn back around, I take in her outfit from tonight.
She's got on a light long sleeve shirt. It's white with navy blue sleeves and it's a little cropped, then some Levi shorts with some hightop converse on that match the sleeves.

I'm pretty sure I can feel myself smile without meaning to as I'm checking her out. She's obliviously the whole time though as she's looking on her phone.
She giggles to herself and then looks up. "What do you think my favorite Taylor Swift Album is?"

I kinda laugh and start to walk over to her. "Wait hang on I don't know if I know all of them," I pause. "Her first country one, Fearless, she definitely has that Red one, the new Midnights one, the one where she's always in polaroid pictures—"

"1989," she pipes in.
"Yeah, that one."

I have no fucking clue what the order is but I think I know them all.
"The Lover one that's all pink and yellow and stuff, then the one during the whole drama stuff and she did the snake thing, that was Reputation right?" 

"Mhm," she nods her head as I continue.

I start to lose my train of thought when I start to remember the other ones. "What are the two albums called that are kinda similar it's like folk something."
"Folklore and Evermore."

"There's one more," she says and I suddenly remember.
"Speak..." I drift off because I don't remember what the second word is.

"Speak Now," she corrects.
"Oh yeah that's it, Speak Now."

"Look at you, hotshot you got them all," she says and I laugh a little. "Wait so your question was what do I think yours is?"
"Yeah," she responds.

"Hm," I say as I inch a little closer to her and try and see what I think her favorite album would be.
I run my eyes over her face and am met with the softest cheeks that are smiling slightly as she watches me try and figure it out.

"Red," I say blankly.
She smiles but raises her brows a little bit. "No."


I look over her face and realize just how close we are to each other right now.
"Taylor's Version," I add.

Her eyes start to shrink as she smiles and her dimple starts to shine through her smile.
"That was so hot," she says lowly in a sarcastic voice and then, without me realizing she was even moving, she meets her lips to mine and I easily find her waist to pull her into me while moving my lips with hers.

We move our mouths together for a second and I squeeze onto her waist.
In just a second though, I take my mouth off of hers. "Was I right?"

"What?" She replies back a a little breathless.
"The album. Did I get it right?"

"Huh?" She mumbles before realizing and scrunching her brows together slightly. "Oh yeah, that's my favorite, yeah," she mumbles out quickly and then leans her head forward but I lean back too.

"Wait," I say and she lets out a little annoyed laugh.

"Say Jackson you were soooo right," I drag out. She tilts her head to the side and slightly laughs.
"Jackson Blythe do you have a praise kink?" She says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes before pressing my lips to hers again. "I have an Ameeriah kink."

✧∘* ˚.
Thanks for reading!

What's your biggest ick w guys or honestly not even ick but just what pisses u off about (real) guys. I'LL START - other than the fact that (most) of them have the emotional capacity of a barnacle, u literally can't have a conversation w these mfs they turn everything sexual or about hanging out/a date like for example yesterday I was texting a guy about my fav movies and he was like oh cool I'd love to watch that with you like first off- dude CORNYYYYY and second off, you're literally not even listening to what I'm saying

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