Chapter 15

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I just finished baking a batch of cookies and I was bringing them back to my dorm whenever I hear my phone go off and I nearly drop my tupperware as I'm trying to balance them under my chin as I open the door and attempt to look at my phone.

My text tone is continuously ringing and I'm wondering if my phone is starting to glitch again.
As I finally make it into my room and can look at my phone, I realize that my phone is not glitching, it's just Jackson.

Jackson I need your services ma'am
Jackson Sorry wait that sounded slutty
Jackson Not that you're slutty
Jackson Wait
Jackson I mean like I need you to help me
Jackson Like normal help
Jackson Not slutty help

Good grief.
I laugh to myself as I read his incoming texts.

Jackson I respect women
Jackson Can you just pick up the phone and put me out of my misery

Me Dude WHAT

Jackson Need help pls meet at rec center

Me What if I'm busy

Jackson Are you

Me No

Jackson Perfect
Jackson And bring me some cookies too please
Jackson Pretty please
Jackson I can't keep stealing them from Adare
Jackson Wes hit the fuck out of me last time

I think Jackson texts exactly as when the thoughts are coming to him.
No thinking, no reading over, just thoughts and then clicking the send button.

I walk into the bathroom to look in the mirror and wipe of the flour that's sitting on the side of my cheek.
Then I grab my phone and head out the door.

When I walk into the rec center I'm surprised to see that there's a lot of people here.
There's normally quite a bit of people here, but there's also an obstacle course type thing in the middle of the gym. I'm not sure what that is but I look down to my phone to text Jackson that I'm here and as soon as I unlock my phone I hear Jackson's voice behind me.

"There's my girl."
I turn around a give him a soft smile before asking, "what am I hear for?"

He takes a breath in to open his mouth and explain but immediately exhales while saying, "I actually have no fucking idea to be honest. Max just asked me to do this blindfold maze thing because someone dropped out of it but I needed a partner," he explains.

I nod my head and see Jackson perk up with wide eyes, looking like he expects me to say something.

"So.." He drags out with a goofy smile plastered on his face.
"So..?" I question back slowly.

"Did you bring me cookies?" He says with a smile.
I don't respond, I just make an oops face and his face immediately drops, his shoulders included.

"What the fuck."
"I'm sorry," I drag out with a laugh.

Jackson starts to say something but stops when we hear Max over a microphone.

"Okay everybody, listen up. Everyone needs to get to their starting places and then we'll explain the rules of the game."

"Shall we?" Jackson smirks as he starts to walk and I follow him over to the one of the lines.

There's different colored cones everywhere, connecting some of them there's fishing string, making it look like those lasers you see in security systems in tv shows. There's little nets set up and a million and one different things on the ground to trip over.

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