Chapter 9

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It's been a couple of weeks since me and Jackson started our little "exchange."

Wait that sounds dirty.

I mean the whole thing where we fake date whenever Jackson's at parties or whenever Ryan's around.
We've only been to two parties and I haven't seen Ryan since the last time Jackson told him to leave.

It hasn't been that weird, surprisingly.
We act all touchy whenever we're at the parties, but then we go back to complete normal and Adare and Wes don't suspect a thing.

Today's Valentines Day and me, Adare, Wes and Jackson are hanging out for a little to study since we all have exams at the end of this week.
I get out of my last class around six and that's about the time we're meeting up to study.

I have on a light pink sweater and some light wash baggie jeans with some dark red converse on.

I look down at my phone to text Adare to see what time I should head over.

Me What time are we studying?

A Wes just ordered some pizza so you can come over whenever!

Me Kk heading over there now

˖ ࣪✦

Once I knock on Jackson and Wes' apartments, Adare greets me at the door.

"Perfect timing, the pizza just got here," she smiles.

I put my stuff down at the table before pulling out my computer at the seat beside Adare.

We each grab a slice of pizza and start to work.
There's computers and papers and notebooks and Ipads and calculators and a whole vomit of work sitting in front of us.

After around ten minutes of studying, my gaze shifts over to the empty chair by Wes.

"Was Jackson supposed to come study?"
"He told me he was," Wes says, not looking up from his notebook.

Hm. That's weird.

"Do you know where he's at?" I ask.
"Probably trying to get someone to be his Valentine," Adare laughs.

I slightly laugh back.

"Weird though, I texted him that pizza was here, normally he'd be running through the door."
"That is weir—" I start to say but is cut off mid sentence whenever I hear muffled cursing before the door opens and see Jackson throwing a fit.

"Holy FUCK dude, that line was insane, I'm never going back to that fucking store again," he exclaims as he shuts the door with his foot because he's holding stuff in this hands.

He throws his backpack off his shoulders and almost drops the plastic bags and computer he has in his hands.
"FUCK YOU!" He yells at the backpack and we laugh at him in amusement.

He lets out a dramatic sigh before he calms himself down.
"Where'd you go?" Wes says through a laugh.

"Well my fucking computer was glitching out so I had to bring it to get reset or some shit and then on the way back I looked through the window of a chocolate shop and they had these cute little Valentines ones and so of course I went inside but little did I fucking know that everyone and their mom was wanting to buy the whole store out and I was already in line so I wasn't gonna get out of line so I waited in there for fucking forever," he says so quickly and dramatically as he walks over to sit with us.

"So did you get the chocolates?" Wes asks and Jackson makes a face before mumbling "yes I got the chocolates."

He's finally done with his little tantrum and pulls chocolate heart boxes out of a bag.
"Here you go Adare," he says as he passes one to her.

"Really?" Wes asks as he watches him hand the box to her.
"Don't worry Wessy," he says in a sing song voice with a goofy smile as he reaches back into the bag. "I got one for you too," and hands him a box of chocolates too.

Wes smiles and rolls his eyes. "Fuck off," he says in a laugh.

And then he reaches into the bag and stands up to walk over to me with a box of heart chocolates.
"M'lady," he says as he hands me it.

"Thank you Jackson," I smile.

"However," he says as he walks back to his seat. "It was only buy 2 get 1 free so I'm gonna need to share with someone," he says jokingly.

"You can have some of mine," me and Adare both say at the same time while typing on our computers.

"I'm not sharing," Wes says as he sticks another chocolate in his mouth.

"Actually Wes I want some of yours," Jackson says as he goes over beside Wes to grab a chocolate and Wes tries to push him off.
"No you're—" Wes says as they try and push against each other to grab the chocolates.

"Wes," Adare says with a straight face ad she hits his shoulder and he turns to look at her.
He sighs. "Fine," he says as he rolls his eyes.

"You're such a little bitch Wes," Jackson laughs as he takes some chocolate from Wes.
"Fuck you," Wes snaps back.

✧∘* ˚.
Thanks for reading!
What's your favorite book EVER?

I have so many but Turtles All The Way Down & Better Than The Movies will always be my top favs

Some of my favorite scenes to write are the Wes x Jackson interactions HAHAH

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