Chapter 12

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Finally I finish my exam.

"Okay I'm don—" I drift off as I look over to Jackson who's got his head laid down and his eyes closed.
He's out.

He's using his arms as a pillow and as I look at his calm face, I never realized his eyelashes were so long.
"Hey, Jackson," I try and whisper. "I'm finished with my exam, we can go now."

But he doesn't move a muscle.

"Jackson," I say once more as I gently put my hands on his shoulder to try and shake him a little.
"Hm?" He pops ups out of his slumber.
"I'm finished now, we can go," I say.

"Oh ok," he says as he takes a breath in and rubs his eyes.

We stand up to walk and as he get to the door he asks me, "what'd you make?"
"94," I reply.
"Atta girl," he says as he holds the door open for me.

The cold air of the night hits us and the fresh air feels nice.

"Sorry for dragging you out so late," I say.
"No worries babe, that's what I'm here for," he says with a soft smile.

We walk for a little before he starts to speak.

"Hey, uh," he puts his hands in his pockets. "Do you wanna come watch a movie? Wes is staying at Adare's tonight."
"Aren't you tired though?"
"Nah I got a second wind," he says before continues. "Come onnn," he drags out. "It's Friday night."

Normally I'd pass since it's so late, but for some reason I'm wide awake, so why not?

"What movie?" I ask.
"Whatever you want."

"That's such a bs reply Jackson, I know you have like five million movies in mind right now that you wanna watch."
"Yeah whatever," he says as he rolls his eyes.


"Actually, I bet you already have a movie paused right now."
"What? No I don't," he says, the most defensively with his brows scrunched.
"Yeah ok," I say unbelievably, because I most definitely know that he does.

"You're kinda a whore for movies," I laugh.
"That, I am," he smirks as we reach the entrance of his apartment.

He unlocks the door and then movies to the side to let me walk in first.
As soon as I walk in, my eyes go to the tv and see the cover of Bridge to Teribitha plastered across the screen and a pause button.

"Dude literally what did I say!" I say as I turn to face him.
"Dude whatever!" He says with a slightly raised voice jokingly. "We can change it."

I walk over to the couch before plopping myself down. "No this is fine, just start it over."
"Yes ma'am," he says as he lays down on the opposite side of the couch with one leg laid on the couch and the other hanging to the floor.

˖ ࣪✦


What I didn't fucking know about this movie was how it ends.
What the fuck.

This is one of the saddest movies I've ever watched.
There's literally no way that just happened.

I get up to get a tissue and as soon as I turn, I hear Ameeriah.

"Are you crying?"

"What! No!" I say defensively and hold the tissues out to her. "I figured you would be crying so I was grabbing them for you."
"Okay sure," she laughs as she takes a tissue to wipe her eyes too.

I sit back on the couch with a tissue and we watch the soft glow coming off of the tv in the dark apartment.
"Fuck me dude," I snuffle, think about that stupid ass rope.

"Literally why did you make me watch that," Ameeriah says in between sobs.

"I didn't know!"
"You're supposed to know!"
"It was a Disney movie!"
"Everyone knows Disney movies are the saddest movies ever!"

We start to laugh before I say, "I can't end it on that, we have to find another."
"I agree dude but I'm never letting you pick another movie again."
"Fuck off yes you will."

We decide on the first Percy Jackson movie and settle in to watch the second movie.
It's gotta be at least 3 or 4am now but I don't bother to look at my phone to check.

˖ ࣪✦

I think we get like a quarter of the way in before I look over to Ameeriah and she's passed out.

The overhead fan is softly moving some of her hair into her face and her breathing is slow and light.
I get up to get a blanket for her and softly lay it on her, careful not to wake her up.

After that I grab the remote to turn off the tv and then quietly head to my room.

✧∘* ˚.
Thanks for reading!
Was anyone else genuinely traumatized from this movie??

I wrote this part based on my actually experiences because I had told myself I was watching too many sad movies and so I was like ooo! Disney! That's gonna be a cute, light movie! It was, infact, !not! a cute, light movie

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