Chapter 36

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It's a Tuesday evening and I just got out of a bio lecture as I walk over to my dorm.

I haven't seen Jackson in nearly 5 days because he had practice and class on Friday and by the time he was out, I had went home for the weekend. Yesterday I had an exam in one of my stats classes and was too busy studying to see him.

It's about 6pm and Jackson texted me that he's already there. I open the door and before I can shut it I see Jackson standing up from my desk.

"Fucking finally," he sighs and immediately puts his lips onto mine and pushes us into the door and it shuts.

"Mhm," I kinda laugh into him because I wasn't even fully in the room before he starting kissing me.
He moves his hands down to my waist and squeezes lightly before he leans back. "I missed you," he says.
"Gosh you're obsessed with me," I roll my eyes sarcastically because I really missed him too.

But saying that out loud is way too cringy for me so, sarcasm it is.

"I am," he says as he moves back to my mouth.
I move my hands into his hair and when he moves his mouth down to the side of my neck, at the first sensation, I pull his hair instinctively as I sigh.

I feel him smile against me as we start to move over to my bed.
I lay back and he climbs to hover over me as his hair falls into my face. Oh my fuck I'll never get over how good he is at this.

He continues to work his mouth against mine as I keep my hands in his hair.
His hands move down to the edge of my shirt and he places it at the bottom hem of the shirt before slowly putting his hand underneath it.

I feel myself heating up just from his touch.
All you can hear is our heavy breathing and sighs as he begins to lift my shirt even more.

"Sit up a little," he whispers.
I do, and he pulls my shirt off.

"Oh fuck," he mumbles under his breath whenever he does before smashing his lips back onto mine.
In one swift motion, he puts one hand behind his neck and pulls off his t-shirt as he throws it onto the ground.

He continues working his mouth against mine. Passionate and full of want. As I'm feeling his body on mine, I can't focus on anything else but him, but feel like I hear a ringing in the background.
My attention shifts to the sound and I realize that it's his phone ringing.

"Jackson," I say.
"Mhm," he mumbles, still not removing his mouth from mine.

"Your phone."
"Who cares," he mumbles into me as he moves his hand over to graze my face.

I'm too caught up in him to not be focused on him, so I ignore it and go back to kissing him before the phone starts ringing again.

"Hummpphh," he mumbles incoherent words as he continues to move his mouth with mine.
"Phone," I mumble back breathlessly as he keeps kissing me.

He doesn't stop moving, so I lean back to put my hand over his face. "What if it's important?" I say.
"It's not," he says as he tries to lean back down to me.
"But what if it is," I say as I stop him from meeting my lips again.

"Oh my gosh," he groans as he pats around the bed quickly to try and find it.
When he does, I see Wes' name plastered on the phone call.

Jackson rolls his eyes and groans as he answers.
"What the fuck do you want," he says, sounding annoyed.

As Jackson talks, he sounds desperate to get off the phone.
"Okay..yeah..mhm..okay..I'll do that..okay..yeah..alright bye."

He hangs up the phone and throws it to the other side of the bed as he moves to kiss me again.
"What did he want?" I ask as I move my hand to his face.
"Nothing he just got locked out of the apartment," he mumbles so quickly as he tries to lean back down and I palm his face again.

"If he's locked out you've gotta go."
He scrunches his brows like I just said the most obscure sentence ever. "He'll be fine Ameeriah," he says quickly as he leans down to try and meet his lips with mine and I palm him in the face again.

"Jackson!" I say once more as I sit up so that he can't try and kiss me anymore. "Your roommate is locked out of your apartment," I laugh. "You need to go get him in."
I don't give him a chance to respond as I roll out of bed and grab my shirt from the ground.

"Here," I throw his t-shirt at him and he catches it in his chest.
"Ughhhhhguhhhh," he groans as he rolls off the bed and shoves his t-shirt over his head.

"Don't fucking move," he says with his finger pointed at my face as he walks over to the door.
"FuckingWesI'mgonnakillhim," he mumbles, under his breath as the door shuts and I laugh.

✧∘* ˚.
Thanks for reading!

Have you ever gotten locked out? I started college last fall and I'm living off campus and I was just CERTAIN I was gonna forget my keys one day and have to wait on my roommate outside but luckily ~so far~ it hasn't happened

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