Chapter 8

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When I say that Jackson is the most social butterfly of a person I've ever seen, I mean it so wholeheartedly.

He swoops in and talks to so many people like he's know them for his entire life.
People are coming up to him and starting conversations and laughing and cracking jokes and I don't understand how a person could possibly know this many people.

He's got the biggest goofy smile on his face.
Kid is in his element.
But somehow keeps me included in all the conversations.

We've been here for about two hours already, but to be completely honest, I don't really even mind it. Jackson just has such a golden retriever personality that it's literally impossible to feel weird around him.

Right now we're talking to a group of guys and a couple of them have girls by their side before he starts to walk away a little bit and he pulls me with him.
For most of the night he's had me with his arm over my shoulders by his side, but right now I'm just standing beside him.

I notice some waters on the counter and I'm getting pretty thirsty.
"I'm gonna go grab a water," I try to shout to him over the loud music.

"Huh?" He says as he lowers his head to me.
"I'm gonna go grab a water," I say into his ear and he nods his head.

As I grab the water and turn back around, I guess leaving his side for the literal 2 seconds I was gone was a green light for some girl to come up to him.

"Jackie!" The girl drags out as she moves her hand to the side of his arm.
"It's so nice to see you again," she purrs. She's so clearly wasted.

I just stand awkwardly a couple steps away from them with my water in my hand, not really knowing what to do.
He doesn't move away from her touch, so I guess I should just stay out of it?

Wait no this is literally why he wants me here. Duh Ameeriah.

So I waltz over to them and put my arm around his waist.
"Hey baby, who's this?" I smile softly as he pulls me into him and puts more space in between him and girl.

Ew. Just those words coming out of my mouth makes me wanna gag.

He smiles down when he looks at me.
"Oh this is Rebecca," he says as she sticks her nose up a little.

"I didn't know you were a relationship kinda guy," she mumbles.
"Mhm," is all he replies.
"That's not what you told me the last time we hooked up."


That's kinda a shitty thing to say in front of someone that's supposed to be the girlfriend.

As soon as she finishes her sentence she literally just walks away and as soon as she turns her back we both laugh and loosen our grips from each other.

He sighs before running his hand through his hair. "I'm getting a little tired, you ready to go?" He asks.
"Okay Mr. Social, whatever you say."

He smiles softly and I follow him behind him.
Right before he's able to open the door, a girl comes up to him in a bikini and asks him to dance. It's the middle of February, so I personally don't understand the fashion choice but go on ahead.

"We're leaving," he says as he kinda nods to me and she girl quietly says "oh.."
He puts his hand on the small of my back to lead me out the door.

"You really are a man whore," I laugh as we walk back to his car.
"Was a man whore," he clarifies.
"Right," I drag out.

"This is actually working," he says as he lifts his hand up for a high five.
"Oh you dork," I mumble as I meet his hand and high five him back.

˖ ࣪✦


Me and Ameeriah stop to get ice cream to go on the way back to campus and when I park the car, she unbuckles and starts to eat her ice cream.

"Rate my job today on a scale of one to ten," she says as she puts a spoonful of chocolate ice cream into her mouth.

"Hm?" I say as I look to her.
"My job tonight, how'd I do?" She asks again.

"Oh you did just swell, babe," I say with a smile and continue. "13/10."
"Actually, I don't know if I'd rate me that high," she says as I scrunch my brows, confused.

"When I saw the first girl, I almost didn't even say anything because you looked kinda comfortable and I figured it wasn't really my place to say anything because she may have been an exception to our deal but then I thought oh yeah actually that's the exact reason I'm here, so moment of weakness but I pulled through," she says quickly like a word vomit.

"Well for future reference," I say as I bring a scoop of ice cream into my mouth, "always intervene. I'm all yours now babe," I say with a smirk.

"Can you stop that?"
And I toss my head back onto the headrest as I laugh and put another spoonful into my mouth.

✧∘* ˚.
Thanks for reading!
Did anyone catch the Taylor reference in the 13/10 rating??😏🤭

I've written over 50 chapters already, so I'm trying to get them uploaded as fast as I can but editing just takes a little bit bahah thanks for the patience!

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