Chapter 48

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We're in Jackson's apartment because he wanted me to make cookies but I'm so sick of using the communal kitchen from the girls dorm.

I mix up the batter and pour in the chocolate chips and make sure they're folded in.
I turn around to preheat the oven.

"Finally," Jackson sighs as he closes his laptop and stands up.
He was working on a discussion board for one of his classes.

He walks over to where I'm lining a baking pan with parchment paper and leans on the counter to watch me.
"When'd you start baking?"

My mind goes back to warm and golden colored nostalgic memories of being a little girl at my nana's house. Her house was always so cozy and always smelt good.

"My nana," I say with a soft smile.
"On your mom's side or.." he starts to ask.
"My moms. I wasn't really close to my mom growing up because she was always working, but I got dropped off at my nana's almost everyday." I smile as I recall the memories.

Jackson's watching me intently, with his eyes on mine every time I glance up at him.
"She was always baking. Couldn't cook for crap but baking? Good grief that woman's the best baker I know. Her house always smells like cookies."

"What's her name?" He asks.


I listen to Ameeriah as she starts stopping small rounds of dough onto the pan.

"Are you closer to your mom or your dad?" I ask while watching her put one completed pan into the oven and clicking to start to the timer.

"Uhm," she says before walking back over to scoop out more dough onto the other pan. "Probably my dad but I'm way closer to my grandparents than my parents."

"Do you talk to them a lot still?"
Her dimples show up with she smiles. "Everyday. "Why are you asking so many questions?" She laughs.

"Just curious," I say.
I'm so in love with you that I wanna know everything about you.

There's a small bit left in the bowl, but not enough for another pan of cookies.
She moves it in between the counter I'm leaning on and where she's standing and then takes the spoon out of the bowl and sticks it into her mouth to eat the cookie dough left on the spoon.

I takes my pointer finger and drag it along the edge to pick up some dough before tasting it and licking my finger clean.
"That's really good," I mumble with cookie dough in my mouth.

I put my thumb into the bottom of the bowl to scrap out more of the dough onto my finger.
Before she can realize what I'm doing, I take a step over to her and slowly wipe the cookie dough on my thumb onto her lips.

"Jackson," She laughs a mumble with her mouth closed.
Before she gets the chance to wipe it off, I smirk and lean in to meet my mouth to hers.

With my movements, I lick the cookie dough off while kissing her
She sighs.

"Mhm," I say into her.
Then I slowly take my mouth off of hers and lean back slightly, my eyes still partially closed.

"So good," I mumble, our faces almost touching.

"The cookie dough? Yeah it's really good," she says.
"The girl," I say before leaning into her once more and pressing my lips onto hers as she smiles into me before she kisses me back.

✧∘* ˚.
Thanks for reading!

We're getting close to the end of this book I can't believe it

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