Chapter 25

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I just got out of my physics lecture whenever I see that Ameeriah texted me.

Meeriah I have an exam in a little less a week if u wanna help me study

I smile a little when I realize that she actually does want me to help her in Bio.

Me What kind of studying are we talking abt

Meeriah Jackson

I can hear the disappointment in her text.
I roll my eyes at her test because she won't joke back with me.

Me Fine whatever what time?

Meeriah I'm heading to a Pilates class so in like an hour and a half

I head back to my apartment to drop my stuff off and I talk to Wes in the kitchen until I need to head to Ameeriah's place.

When I get to her dorm, I can hear some talking from the door but I'm not sure who it is because last I heard was that her roommate never showed up.

I knock on the door and the talking comes to a stop.
"Who the hell is that?" one voice says.

I hear a sigh, which I'm assuming is from Ameeriah whenever the door promptly opens up and I'm see a very frustrated Ameeriah standing in front of me.

My eyes glance over to the dark haired girl in combat boot and a black tank top standing on the other side of the room.
"Oh really?" She exclaims whenever she sees me. "So you can fuck in here but I can't bring over my friends?"

Ameeriah rolls her eyes and turns around.
"For the last time Rowan, I don't care if you bring your friends here! What I'm not okay with is walking in on a threesome! This is my dorm too," Ameeriah says with a raised voice.

But she doesn't stop there. "And I'm not sleeping with him! This is my friend Rowan. A friend. We're going to study," she emphasizes.

I just stand at the door, taking it all in whenever the other girl abruptly grabs her bag and stomps out of the room.

When the door slams, Ameeriah rolls her eyes and sighs. "She is such a bitch," she starts. "And before you agree with me, don't. Because you're not allowed to call her that and if you do then I'm gonna have to take up for her so just don't do it."

"Yes ma'am," I say with slightly widen eyes.

She pulls out her computer and notebooks.
"She had a threesome in here?" I'm curious and nosy as hell.
"Yes," she exhales, frustrated. "I walked in on a threesome."

I let out a laugh and she darts her eyes over to me. "Oh you would like that, wouldn't you?" She says annoyed.

I let out another laugh. Hell no.

"I don't like sharing."

Just as she's sitting down on her bed, we hear the door knock.

"And who the fuck is that?" She says annoyed as she stands back up.

I look over to the door whenever she opens it and see a greasy fucking Ryan on the other side.
"Oh fuck off Ryan," she exclaims in an exhale.

I start to get up but I stop whenever I hear what she's saying.
"Ryan I swear on everything good in this world if you don't get the fuck out of my face I'm gonna call the cops because I'm pretty sure this is considered stalking. Leave me the fuck alone. I'm not dealing with this today," she says and slams the door in his face.

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