Chapter 2

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A good few hours passed and the sun had already begun to set which was a sign to get back. As his last resort, he slightly burned the tiger seal's stomach, hoping to himself that the villagers don't notice it.

If anyone were to find out, they're surely cast him out. He's never told anyone of his little secret. And why would he? He could firebend, just like the horrible people that raided the South Pole and took all of their waterbenders. All but Katara.

He knew if she were to find out. She would see him as a different person. Not Shoko, but as a monster. And Sokka would feel guilty. Only because he had seen Shoko firebending once, which was totally accidental.

But of course, he felt betrayed after letting his walls down and finally accepting Shoko just to find out he bent the same element as the Fire Nation soldiers. Shoko was glad Sokka agreed to keep it a secret. Yes, he was still rather angry about what the Fire Nation did to his mother, but he thankfully saw Shoko for Shoko. He didn't care from what nation he came from or what element he bent. Truly, Shoko was grateful.

He kept walking until he noticed a red flare that was launched into the sky. His eyes widened, and at that instant, he knew what it meant. He quickly ran in the direction of the village.

There was no doubt it was a Fire Nation signal. He had seen quite a lot when he was younger.

When he finally ran past the village entrance, his ears picked up the yells of Sokka. All the women were out as well, witnessing his outburst.

"That's it! You're banished!" Sokka shouted and pointed his finger at Aang. "Sokka, you're making a mistake!" Katara tried to intervene with a frown on her lips. "No, I'm keeping my promise to Dad! I'm protecting you from threats like him" He gestured to Aang.

"What's going on? Why are we banishing him?" Shoko dropped the tiger seal while pulling his hood down and making his way over to them, eyes narrowed in confusion.

"He signaled a fire navy, we're gonna be under attack at any minute because they decided to go onto the stupid ship we clearly told them to stay away from" He began to explain but Katara cut through to get her words out.

"Aang is not our enemy, don't you see? Aang brought us something we haven't had in a long time. Fun."

"Fun?! We can't fight firebenders with fun!" Sokka exclaimed angrily.

"You should try it sometime" Aang commented in a joyful tone. Though it wasn't really helping his case.

"Get out of our village. Now!" Sokka screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Grandmother, please. Don't let Sokka do this. Shoko" She turned to face them with a pleading frown.

"I can't do much in a situation like this, my vote won't count Katara" Shoko replied and placed a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

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