Chapter 17

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Shoko gasped and instantly pulled out his dagger when something landed on his stomach. "OW! Shoko!" Sokka exclaimed when the boy's empty hand hit his face. He rubbed his pink cheek, glaring at Shoko. "Woah, put that down" He gestured to the dagger Shoko held on tightly to. "Oh, sorry, a force of habit." He muttered back, observing Momo who jumped onto Appa's saddle, his ears shot up with alert eyes. He figured the flying lemur must've been the reason for his sudden awakeness. 

"What happened?" He asked, rubbing his eyes from the sleep that washed over him. 

"It's nothing," Aang said, glancing at them before looking over to the sand. "I just had a bad dream" He turned to his side, curling up to a ball. "Go back to sleep."

"You don't have to tell me twice" Sokka hummed, snuggling back into his sleeping bag. Shoko watched Aang from his spot, he couldn't lie, he was a bit worried. Katara seemed to be worried as well, "Are you alright, Aang?" She asked softly.

"I'm okay" Aang answered quickly, not facing her. 

"You seem to be having a lot of nightmares lately" She noted. The young Avatar would jolt out of sleep, gasping for air as if he couldn't properly breathe. He would ignore his feelings and go back to bed as if nothing happened. 

"I think I just need some rest," Aang said, trying to avoid the conversation.

"You guys want to hear about my dream?" Sokka asked, perking up from his sleeping bag. But when silence was his only reply, he huffed childishly, "I didn't want to talk about it anyway" And laid back in his sleeping bag. Katara stared at Aang for a moment before laying down to rest as well. Shoko remained sat, looking over at Aang with worried eyes, "We might not know each other that well like you know Katara and Sokka, but I'm here if you ever need to talk-" But then again, he's never been able to comfort others, not even himself. 

Aang didn't even make a peep. Shoko took it as a sign to leave him alone and rested in the warmth of his sleeping bag, slowly closing his eyes. 


The next morning, everything returned to normal, as if nothing happened last night. Shoko helped Katara fold their sleeping bags and pick up all their belongings, washing some clothes while Aang blow-dried them with a singular wish of air he bent. Once they were dried, Shoko began folding them to pack them up neatly. 

"Look at those clear skies, buddy!" Aang pets the top of Appa's head with a smile as he looks up to the sky. "Should be some smooth flying." Shoko folded the last piece of clothing just as Katara checked the bag for food, which was empty. "Well, we'd better smoothly fly ourselves to a market, because we're out of food," She said and climbed onto Appa's tail who slowly lifted her to the saddle. 

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