Chapter 51

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Mio sighed tiredly as the others continue their search for the Western Air Temple on foot.

"This is humiliating," Katara said, her voice laced with annoyance. "You mean getting thoroughly spanked by the Fire Nation or having to walk all the way to the Western Air Temple?" Sokka inquired.

"Both" Katara answers. It was bad enough that they had to split off from the rest of the invasion force, who were most likely already imprisoned, but now, they ended up having to walk all the way to an Air Temple that's never been found.

"Sorry guys, but Appa gets tired carrying all these people" Aang petted Appa with a small smile. "I wonder how the rest of the troops are," Teo says sadly. "They're probably on their way to a prison. Seems like my Dad just got out and now he's going back in" Haru frowned.

"I miss Pipsqueak" The Duke states, walking in between Rin, Mikoto, and Rui. "I miss not having blisters on my feet!" Sokka whined loudly. "Hey, we're here! I can feel it!" Toph suddenly exclaimed, waking up everyone around her with excitement that they could finally rest.

Their smiles fall once they were met face-to-face with a large cliff just a few steps in front of them. "Uh... I think your feet need their eyes checked" Katara sighs.

"No, she's right. We are here!" Aang smiled brightly.

"Wow... it's amazing!" Toph exclaimed, her smile widening as well, shifting her feet to feel the ground more. They mount Appa once more, who takes them down smoothly.


"Whoa! This place is huge" Mio turned to look over at an upside-down building. "It's so different from the Northern Air Temple. I wonder if there are any secret rooms" Teo quickly scans everyone. "Let's go check it out!" Haru exclaims as he runs off to explore.

Teo and The Duke followed after him quickly. Aang also tried to go after them, but he was cut off by Katara. "You guys go. I think we need to talk about some things."

The three of them run off to the top of the stairs that lead to the temple. "I'll race you, Duke" Teo declares before doing a wheelie and racing into the temple. "I told you, it's The Duke!"

"Why can't I go?" Aang turned to face Katara, rather annoyed. "We need to decide what we're gonna do now, and since you're the Avatar, maybe you should be a part of this" Katara explained.

Aang walked over to one of the stone benches and sits down. "Fair enough. So, what's the new plan?" He asked, looking up at his friends. "Well, if you ask me, the new plan is the old plan!" Sokka shouted. "You just need to master all four elements and confront the Fire Lord before the comet comes."

"Oh, yeah. That's great, no problem. I'll just do that" Aang said sarcastically. "Aang, no one said it's going to be easy" Katara consoles. "Well, it's not even gone be possible!" Aang sighed in defeat. "Where am I supposed to get a firebending teacher?" He looks over to Mio's guilty face, his eyes then shifted over to Rin, who was looking down at her sharp nails.

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