Chapter 41

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Zuko watched the ocean as the ship headed sail to the Fire Nation. He didn't miss the water, it actually brought back memories of his time with Shoko. Or Mio. Whoever he was. He closed his eyes. Now he understood why their voices seemed so familiar. And why he almost never felt guilty dreaming about Mio when Shoko slept peacefully in his arms. And how their kiss reminded him of Mio.

He knew that something about Shoko felt familiar since the very first day they met. But he played it off as his mind going crazy. Of course, they shared some moments that he enjoyed, but he never thought that Shoko and Mio were the same person.

He can't believe what his little mad dog turned out to be.

He's assassinated a lot of people. Innocent or not. He said he had lost his humanity a long time ago. He's nothing but a killing machine now.

He kind of understood. Shoko was sold off by his own Father. Zuko's met the man a few times as a kid, he was cruel and an asshole. Shoko was sold off to become a burden to someone else other than his Father because he was a disappointment to him. Saying that Shoko was nothing but an embarrassment.

Yet still, Shoko knew his mother left that night. And he had left him as well on the worst day of his life. Which caused him to seek comfort in Mai. 

"Aren't you cold?"

He looked back to see the owner of the cold voice. It was Mai. "I've got a lot on my mind. It's been so long, over three years since I was home. I wonder what's changed. I wonder how I've changed" Zuko responded. 

Mai yawned in disinterest, "I just asked if you were cold, I didn't ask for your whole life story" She giggled slightly, holding Zuko's face in her hands. "Stop worrying" She whispered, leaning in to peck his lips.

They ended up getting back together. It was the best solution for Zuko, so he could forget Mio. 

Forget all those silly and happy memories they shared. Forget all the pain the younger boy caused him. Yet somehow, Zuko felt as if his heart had been stabbed multiple times whenever he tried to forget. 


"Mio, please. Seeing you in this state saddens me" Iroh spoke.

He sat silently. He didn't say anything back. He didn't know what to say. He had dark bags under his eyes, which looked dull and emotionless like they had lost their spark. He wasn't eating or drinking anything that was offered and refused to say a word. He couldn't even sleep. Every time he tried to close his eyes, Zuko's angered face haunted him.

A tear fell from his eyes, thinking back to what Zuko could be doing at this moment. 

If Azula hadn't ruined everything, Zuko and Shoko would be happy, living a normal life in their famous tea shop.

But he wasn't Shoko. 

At least, not anymore.

His name is Mio. 

His Father is Admiral Wu, his mother's name is Taila, and his sister is Rin. 

He knew that eventually his identity would be revealed, but he never imagined that day would come. If he were honest, he would've preferred to stay in Ba Sing Se and work in their small and comfortable tea shop. Without Azula, Mai, Aang, and the others. Just them three. 

For a second, life seemed easy. 


"Princess Azula, what should we do with the prisoners?"

Two guards looked over to their Princess, holding tightly onto Iroh and Mio, both dirty from top to bottom. Iroh faced them while Mio glared at the ground. Azula walked closer to them, "Send Uncle to the most guarded prison in the Captial," Mio could feel her gaze on him, she had something planned no doubt. "But I want to hold him here, in the dungeons."

Mio remained silent.

"But your Highness, he's far too dangerous to be held in the palace" A guard spoke up in a respectful tone, trying not to disrespect or annoy his Princess. 

"Yes, he is dangerous. But he's not a fool" Azula smirked. "The palace is full of guards. Me and Zuzu can easily defeat him. His little fire and waterbending won't be enough to escape."

"You're right, your highness."

"Don't worry, mad dog, you won't feel lonely, we'll make sure to pay you some friendly visits  from time to time, won't we Zuzu?"

Zuko looked the other way, not bothering to say a thing until Azula took a step in his direction, gaining his attention. 

"Right, Zuzu?" She repeated, eager for a response. 

But nothing came out of the Prince's lips. He simply stared at Mio's soft locks of blue hair, careful to not make eye contact. 


Mio flung up to sit, eyes narrowed with anger. Every time he found himself drifting to sleep, he would jump awake whenever Zuko's face popped up in his dreams. He hated remembering Ba Sing Se, most of his dreams took place there. And they weren't happy ones.

He laid back and rolled to the side, watching the ceiling. It felt a little strange to finally use both of his eyes after such a long time. 

He thought back to his time with Sokka and Katara. Those times when things were normal and peaceful. He wondered what Rin was doing, did she stay with Aang and his group or did they kick her out because she's a firebender?

Most people wouldn't believe her if she were to tell them she was a firebender. After all, Fire Nation men and women all have jet-black hair and recognizable bright amber eyes. Whereas Rin has dark brown hair and aqua-blue eyes. She was an exact replica of her mother, only, she turned out to be a firebender instead of a waterbender. 

He missed her. 

Although he did tell her to escape while she could, he really needed someone to hug. 

Why did things have to turn out this way?

Mio had agreed to help Zuko regain his honor, but he never thought that he would end up being imprisoned. 

Turns out, some Fire Nation soldiers had caught sight of Zhao being killed. And so now, that counts six Fire Nation commanders murdered by the Black Wolf. Leading to his execution because of his treachery. 

Mio found it quite scary how easily Azula fooled Zuko with her sweet talk and promises to regain his honor. Within seconds, the banished Prince was no more, and he was wrapped up in Azula's lies. 

He bit his bottom lip, clenching his hands tightly as he thought. But he was startled to half-death when a small knock was heard on his door.

He looked up to see the wooden door slowly open, and in peeked a man who looked to be only a few years older. He opened the ajar door and walked in.

"So you're the infamous Black Wolf, huh? I thought you'd be a lot taller, and older." His voice came out surprisingly soothing, yet deep.

Mio rolled his eyes and stayed quiet. There was no point in making small talk with the guards. He was a prisoner after all. 

The man gripped the sides of his Fire Nation helmet and pulled it off, ruffling his hair to try and fix it back to its normal style. "I'm the assigned guard to look after you. My name is Mikoto. And yours?"

"In the end, trust no one but yourself."

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