Chapter 7

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"I never loved you! It was an arranged marriage that I never agreed on! Stop pretending like you care for me!"

He raised his hand to slap her.

But she remained tall and proud, trying her best to keep the tears in from the stinging pain that came from her now-red cheek.

"You will not talk back to me. There have been so many times that I let you slip up without punishment. Talk to me like that again, and we'll both see where your kids end up."

He pulled her hair and dragged her to the ground, "You're right. There's no love in this relationship, all this was to make an heir for our legacy, but that doesn't give you the right to do whatever you desire, you cheating bitch!"

Shoko quickly sat up and inhaled deeply. He reached his hand over to his eyepatch. Those voices. He remembered those words clearly, yet their faces remained blurred. Another memory, yet this one wasn't as joyful as the other he had regained. His last one was all about his time with Sokka, although it was short, he felt like the idiot was always there with him.

"It doesn't matter who you were in the past, assassin, firebender, or anything else. I'll see you for who you are. Just Shoko. Because you're family."

He looked down to see a shadow leaning closer from under his door.


"The Prince has invited you to join him and General Iroh for lunch," The guard said and walked off when he didn't get a reply. Shoko stood up and wiped off the drool from the corner of his mouth.

He looked over to his Water Tribe clothes. Thankfully, they managed to find someone on the ship who knew how to sew. His clothes looked brand new. He shook all his thoughts as he slipped his red kimono off and switched them out for the other clothes. He looked himself up and down, letting out a long sigh, finally comfortable.

Shoko nodded once reality hit him. If he were to keep Zuko any longer, the Prince would surely get angry. He walked out, slightly fixing his hair into his usual low ponytail. He soon came face to face with the door and opened it.

"You're late," Zuko stated bluntly.

Shoko rolled his eyes and sat beside Iroh.

"You two have been doing nothing but sleeping. I can understand your reasons, Uncle. But you, I expect you to be training."

"Why?" Shoko asked, keeping his gaze on the table, not wanting to anger the flame head any further. "It's not like I'm going to fight my friends for you. You're not my Prince after all."

Zuko's eyebrow twitched in irritation, "Why you-" He immediately stopped once he noticed the look Iroh gave him. He huffed and crossed his arms, "Like I need you to fight for me."

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