Chapter 32

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I'm so sorry I took this long for an update, I might've forgotten about this story😅 But anyway, if you enjoy reading, please vote and comment, thank you for sticking with me and my book!

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I'm so sorry I took this long for an update, I might've forgotten about this story😅 But anyway, if you enjoy reading, please vote and comment, thank you for sticking with me and my book!

Shoko suddenly found himself arriving at an abandoned village, he jumped onto a roof, careful to do so quietly, and hid.

"All right, you've caught up with me. Now, who are you and what do you want?" Aang glared up front, meeting none other than Azula. Behind her, stood Rin, causing Shoko's face to falter just slightly before focusing on the topic at hand.

"You mean you haven't guessed? You don't see the family resemblance? Here's a hint" Azula raised her right hand to cover her eye and deepened her voice, "I must find the Avatar to restore my honor." The young airbender looked at them, seemingly amused. "It's okay. You can laugh. It's funny" Azula changed back to her normal tone. 

The Avatar then looked over to Rin, giving her a confused look. 

"Oh! I'm Rin, Azula's best friend" She gave him a sincere smile, which startled Aang, surprised she was actually nice.

"So what now?"

"Now... now it's over. You're tired and you have no place to go. You can run, but I'll catch you."

"I'm not running."

Rin raised her eyebrow at the boy, he was quite interesting. 

"Do you really wanna fight me?" Azula asked cockily, smirking. Then, two boys instantly came out of nowhere, both landing in fighting positions.

"Yes, I really do!" They shouted in unison.

The two boys turned to face each other with shock but quickly shook it off and regained their stances. 

"Zuko! Shoko!" Aang shouted, alarmed. 

"I was wondering when you'd show up, Zuzu" Azula teased, slightly glaring at Shoko's direction before ignoring his presence.

Aang covered his mouth to suppress his laughter, "Zuzu?"

"Back off, Azula! He's mine!" Zuko shouted angrily, brushing off the annoying and embarrassing childhood nickname his sister gave him.

"I'm not going anywhere, Zuzu," Azula said, taking her own fighting stance. She then launched a blue flame at Shoko, who quickly formed a shield of fire, though the impact of the blast sent him flying to the porch of a house.

He sat himself up and watched as Zuko threw countless fire blades at his sister, who easily deflected them without a sweat. 

Aang then attempted to flee the town with his glider. He had already begun soaring toward the end of the village, but he was interrupted when Shoko landed in front of him, "You're not going anywhere!"

"Shoko! What happened!? I thought you cared about Katara and Sokka," He took a moment as if he were thinking deeply.

Shoko slightly frowned, "I do! I really do! But..."

"But what?!"

The two turned to face the loud blast that came from the ground. Once the dust cleared, they were given a chance to get a proper shot of what had happened. 

Rin tightly held onto her sharp, metallic, fans. Holding a defensive stance. "I'm sorry Zuko, but I can't let you intervene." 

Zuko glared at her before sending another set of fireballs, "Why are you helping her!? She's caused you nothing but pain!"

"You wouldn't understand! She said some stuff-"

"Azula always lies! Why do you trust her with your heart when she's only planning on using you? I should have guessed, you've always been her lapdog since kids!"

Rin faltered. She angrily glared at her shaky hands. Sure, she never had a close friendship with Prince Zuko at a young age. She always wanted to hang out with him and her twin brother countless times. Because they always did fun things she wanted to try out. But Azula held her back and persuaded her to stay. So why is Zuko calling her best friend a liar? When he knows nothing of the Princess. Why is he judging Azula when he hasn't lived in her shoes?

Azula had saved her. 

She had freed her from her father. 

She could do whatever she wished now that she wasn't under her father's control, as long as Azula was next to her. Yet, her foolish decision to leave her home, caused her father to push his expectations onto her twin brother, Mio. Since she was absent at home, now her brother was stuck with the overwhelming task of being the perfect firebending prodigy her father always wanted. 

Rin slowly shook her head, folding back her fans and securing them inside her kimono. She glared at the Prince and slid her feet against his, knocking him to the floor, she then reached closer and glared down at him. She knew he wouldn't get back up.

"She wouldn't ever lie to me."

Rin then turned to face Azula, who had now found her way back to Aang and the other boy. She squinted her eyes, thinking back to herself, why did that boy look so familiar? She just couldn't put her finger on it. But without a second to waste, she quickly jumped in front of the Princess to bend the bright flames the boy sent in a different direction.

Suddenly, Rin's eyes widened once she took notice of the little predicament they were currently stuck in.

The Avatar's friends began cornering them, Zuko stood beside them with his Uncle and the strange long-haired boy.

"Well, look at this. Enemies and traitors all working together. I'm done. I know when I'm beaten. You got me. A Princess surrenders with honor" Azula raised her hands to gesture she surrendered, and Rin followed her actions. 

Iroh averted his gaze toward the other girl, besides Azula and examined her quickly. The Princess smirked as her father's voice rang in her head. 

"About Admiral Wu's son, kill him. There is no use for failure in the Fire Nation. Admiral Wu has your full support in killing his treacherous son."

"I will not fail you, Father."

She took a step back, firing a bright blue flame into Shoko's chest. The boy only screamed in agony as he fell to the floor. 

Zuko's eyes slowly widened once the realization hit him hard.

The others who stood, turned to face Azula, bending their respective elements while Sokka threw his boomerang. The impact of all the elements created a minor explosion, sending a thick cloud of smoke everywhere. When the smoke cleared, it revealed Azula, along with Rin, were both gone without a trace. 

Zuko quickly kneeled before his friend, eyes slowly tearing up. He shouted the instant everyone began approaching. "Get away from us!"

Katara's sighed deeply, "Zuko, I can help."

The Prince only blasted an arc of fire at her, "LEAVE!"

Everyone hesitantly turned around to run, leaving only Zuko and Iroh, who looked down at Shoko's weak figure.

"No matter how much you run, you will always be caught. Facing the past is a scary thing, and some might not be ready to come to terms with what happened. Because, the mind might forgive, but the heart will forever be scarred, afraid to love again."

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