Chapter 45

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I'm very sorry to say, that I will be taking a break from this book

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I'm very sorry to say, that I will be taking a break from this book. I've been stressing for a while with missing school work and I feel exhausted. I don't know how long my break will take but please don't get discouraged and think that I'll forget about this book. I have plans to continue and finish it. Thank you all for staying with me through this far! 

Mio sat with his legs against his chest, attentively listening to Sokka's ghost story. They had made camp in the middle of the forest near a small village right after they bid their goodbyes to Mikoto. And to say the least, the forest was definitely creepy. The bright moon shone down on their figures, playing along with the eerie vibe. 

"Suddenly, they heard something down the hall, in the dark. Oooh..." Sokka drags out the O's. "It came into the torchlight. And they knew the blade of Wind - Fun was haunted!" He exclaimed as he pulled out his sword from its sheath. "Ah-ah...!" He tried and horribly failed to mirror a scream.

The others sat around the campfire, unimpressed by all his gestures. "I think I liked 'the man with a sword for a hand' better" Aang commented dryly. "Water Tribe parties must stink" Toph stated.

"Oh, you have no idea" At that response, Sokka angrily turns to face Mio, giving him a look that reads 'not the time."

Mio shrugged and playfully stuck his tongue out.

"No, wait, I've got one, and this is a true Southern Water Tribe story" Katara interrupted in time, stopping Sokka before he pounced on the other boy. "Is this one of those 'a friend of my cousin knew some guy that this happened to' stories?" Sokka asked. 

"No, it happened to Mom," Katara said, which immediately made everyone straighten their backs and focus their attention on her. 

"One winter, when Mom was a girl, a snowstorm buried the whole village for weeks. A month later, Mom realized she hadn't seen her friend Nini since the storm. So Mom and some others went to check in on Nini's family. When they got there, no one was home, just a fire flickering in the fireplace. When she was alone, she heard a voice," Katara leaned closer, "It's so cold and I can't get warm" She mimicked in a little girl's tone. "Mom turned and saw Nini standing by the fire. She was blue like she was frozen. Mom ran outside for help, but... when everyone came back, Nini was gone."

Mio turned around to look at the other's shocked and scared expressions, all except for Toph, who seemed eager to know more. 

"Where'd she go?" Sokka asked nervously. 

"No one knows" Katara answered. "Nini's house stands empty to this day. But sometimes, people see smoke coming up from the chimney like little Nini is still trying to get warm."

Toph suddenly let out a gasp which surprised Mio out of his thoughts as he faced the youngest girl. "Wait. Guys, did you hear that? I hear people under the mountain, and they're screaming."

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