Chapter 22

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"Music night is special to us," Iroh smiled as he guided Shoko along the deck. Lieutenant Jee, Kuro, and the other crew members surrounded a fire pit with instruments displayed in front of them. 

Shoko sat down next to Kuro, earning a smile from the older male. "I'm surprised to see you here."

"I'm never here for music night," Shoko replied. 

Lieutenant Jee started to play his Pipa while two others joined in with the drums. Iroh quietly cleared his throat before he began to sing, "Winter, spring - summer and fall..."

Two crew members stood up to dance, Shoko watched them for a bit until he felt Kuro standing up beside him.

He stretched his hand out, and Shoko gladly accepted with a hesitant frown, "I can't-"

"Just follow my lead."

Iroh continued to sing while Shoko and Kuro swayed together. Kuro looked down at him with a pink tint growing on his cheeks. Kuro was handsome. His eyes shone brightly from the dim source of lights, and he had a strong build with dark brown hair. But Shoko was positive he didn't feel any certain romantic feelings for him, it was just friendship. Shoko can't afford to lose concentration. Especially now that Zuko's growing restless about capturing Aang. He awkwardly broke eye contact with Kuro and inhaled deeply.

"Winter, spring - summer and fall. Four seasons, four loves. Four seasons, for love."

When the music stopped, Shoko and Kuro let go of each other to turn their heads, watching as Commander Zhao walked closer to them with two guards on either side of him. 

He smiled mischievously while Shoko glared at him. 

Iroh then cleared his throat, "Commander Zhao. Did you come to join us for music night?" He greeted.

"Unfortunately not General. I came here in regard to your crew" Zhao replied. Shoko made his way over to Iroh and crossed his arms, "What about the crew?"

Zhao's horrid smile only widened, "It's nice seeing you once more, Shoko."

Shoko rolled his eyes. "I need to speak with Prince Zuko. I'm sure he'd like to be informed that his crew is no longer traveling with him."

Iroh and Shoko both widened their eyes. 

The elderly man looked at his feet and calmed himself before leading Zhao down toward Zuko's chambers. Shoko followed behind, bidding his farewell to Kuro with a small wave.

Once they reached Zuko's room, Iroh opened the metal door and stepped inside. Zuko was seated on the floor with his back to the wall. His arms were crossed and he was looking away from them, "For the last time, I'm not playing the tsungi horn."

Shoko frowned, "Music night is over."

"No, it's about our plans. There is a bit of a problem" Iroh informed.

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