Chapter 5

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"And by the year's end, the Earth Kingdom capital will be under our rule" Commander Zhao explained while keeping his eyes on the map in front of him. Shoko wanted to jump back into the water at this point if it meant escaping. What kind of torture was this? "The Fire Lord would finally claim victory in this war" Zhao finished with a smirk. 

'There's a war?'

"If my father thinks the rest of the world will follow him willingly, then he is a fool!" Prince Zuko shouted angrily.

"Two years at sea have done little to temper your tongue-" Zhao sat next to Zuko. "So, how is your search for the Avatar going?" He asked. But before the Prince could reply, all of the weapons that were once neatly placed on the wall were now knocked onto the ground, thanks to Iroh's curiosity, "Oops, my fault entirely" He apologized and slowly walked backward with a nervous smile.

"We haven't found him yet," Zuko said coldly. 

"Did you really expect to? The Avatar died a hundred years ago, along with the rest of the airbenders" His expression turned into a sour one as his eyes narrowed. "Unless you found some evidence that the Avatar is alive?"

'The airbenders? Wiped out completely? No way.' Shoko's eyes widened in shock.

"No..." Zuko looked the other way, "Nothing."

"Prince Zuko, the Avatar is the only one who can stop the Fire Nation from winning this war" Zhao stood up in front of Zuko, his eyes sharpening with irritation. "If you have an ounce of loyalty left, you'll tell me what you found."

Zuko's eyes moved to Shoko then back to Zhao, "I haven't found anything. It's just like you said, the Avatar probably died a long time ago" His voice softened in a taunting manner.

"Come on Uncle, Shoko. We're leaving" Zuko announced and began heading to the exit, Shoko walking behind. But they both came to a halt when the guards moved forward and blocked their exit.

One of Zhao's soldiers walked up to him, "Commander Zhao, we interrogated the crew as you instructed, they confirmed that Prince Zuko had the Avatar in custody but let him escape."


Confusion and anxiety engulfed Shoko. The Prince had the Avatar but he escaped? But what did that have to do with him? Why couldn't they let him go? Anger crept up his face. Why? Why couldn't he remember anything? It was so frustrating!

"Now... remind me..." Zhao started, using the same soft yet taunting tone Zuko did with him earlier, "How was your ship damaged?" He landed closer to Shoko, his hot breath against his ear, causing his hands to shake from anger.

"It isn't polite to lie to me, slave. Sit down." He ordered.

Shoko stood still, his heart racing. He didn't know if he should listen or not. One wrong move and that man could do anything he pleased with him. He can kill him without hesitation.

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