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The service had gone by in a blur, she stood up in front of everyone to do her reading unable to cry. Now she just sat here staring at the hole in the ground which her parents have just been laid to rest.

Evelyn felt numb since the the day two police officers turned up on her doorstep to tell her that her parents had been in a car accident and hadn't made it. It was a blur having to go and identify their bodies, planning the funeral. Now here she was sat staring at the hole partly wishing it would swallow her up as well.

Evelyn felt a hand wrap around her and another placed on her thigh.
"You ready to go?" Ransom asks but she doesn't respond "Evie?" he now uses one hand to lift her chin to look him in the eyes.
"I can't move" she whispers.
"It's okay, we can sit here a little longer but we need to go soon people will be arriving at the house" he holds her hand as she goes back to staring at the hole.
After sitting there a little longer Ransom eventually helps her to get up and into the car to head back to house.

"The caterers have everything taken care of" Linda says as Evelyn enters the kitchen.
"Good" she nods.
"Evie is there anything you need?" Marta who is Harlan's nurse asks.
Evelyn just shakes her head while heading to the fridge to pour herself a glass of wine. Finishing the glass in one go she pours another.
"Okay let's give her a minute" Marta suggests leading everyone out of the kitchen.
Hearing guests arrive she downs the other glass and refills.

Heading outside where the wake is being hosted, she's greeted with I'm sorry for loss and your parents were wonderful people.
Giving the odd thank you or nod she sips on her wine as she make her way around the garden.
"You okay" Ransom asks placing his hands on her back.
"Fine just need more wine" she replies.
"I will get it for you" Ransom replied taking the glass from her hands.
"Evelyn dear you must try these" Linda says approaching while handing her a plate of food.
"I'm good thanks" she replies placing the plate down on one of the tables.
"They are honestly divine you have to try" Linda insists picking the plate back up.
"I said I'm fine" she shouts knocking the plate out of Linda's hand causing people to stare.

"I'm sorry" Evelyn whispers as she bends down to pick the food from the floor.
"I've got this" Marta says crouching down beside.
"Fine" Evelyn sighs and stands up taking the wine from Ransom before disappearing inside.
"I told you not to push her" Ransom growls at her mother.
"The girl needs to eat" Linda snipes back.
"And she will when she's ready" Ransom shouts.
"Okay enough the pair of you, Evelyn just buried her parents she doesn't need you two arguing today" Harlan steps in "I'm going to check on her"

Sat in the library finishing off the bottle the alcohol feeling like it's gone straight to her head she hears the door creak.
"Evelyn darling you in here" Harlan's voice is heard.
He spots her on the chair near the window which is one of her favourite spots to read.
"Evie darling it's just me" Harlan says approaching slowly.
"Why do I feel like this" she asks.
"Like what?" he replies softly.

"Darling you just said goodbye to your parents I would say it's normal to feel numb" he is now standing beside the chair.
"I haven't even cried, does that make me a terrible daughter?" She now looks up at him.
"Everyone process grief differently" Harlan places a hand on her shoulder "But you are certainly not a terrible daughter, they loved you more than anything"
"They had a funny way of showing it at times" Evelyn was quick to reply.

Silence falls between the pair.
"I should get back to the guests" Evelyn says finally breaking the silence.
"They are just fine without you" Harlan replies
"How about I go downstairs and start getting people to leave" he offers.
"I can't kick people out it's not what my parents would want" she sighs.
"I will go back down, take your time" Harlan says patting your shoulder.

After sitting there a bit longer Evelyn goes to stand but goes light headed and drops the empty wine bottle and glass.
"Shit" she crouches down to pick up the broken pieces but ends up cutting her hand.
"Fuck" she hisses as blood starts to come out.
Feeling broken she sinks onto the floor curling up into a ball finally breaking out into a silent cry not caring about the broken glass which stabs into parts of her body, finally wanting to feel something even if it's pain.

Ransom enters the room to see her curled up before noticing the glass and blood.
"Omg someone get Marta" Ransom shouts down the stairs before rushing over.
Not hearing a word that's happening as she continues to sob she feels her body slowly being moved.
"What happened?" Marta asks entering the room seeing Ransom holding Evie's body noticing the blood and glass.
"I don't know I just found her like this, help me" Ransom pleads.

"Okay let me take a look" Marta says as she starts examining you in Ransoms arms.
"The glass doesn't look too deep, but I think it's best we call an ambulance as I don't want the wounds to get infected if I can't sterilise them properly" Marta says taking out her phone to dial 911.
"Omg what's happened in here" Linda says entering the room.
"I found her like this Marta is dialling 911, can you clear everyone out" Ransom looks at his him with sad eyes.
"Of course" Linda says before dashing back out the room.

Evelyn can just hear noises around her as she lays in Ransoms arms unable to respond.
"She has a pulse and is awake but not responding" Marta says down the line.
"You're gonna be okay Evie" Ransom says looking down at his bleeding girlfriend, blood staining his new Gucci shirt.
"Here I brought towels and a first aid kit" Richard runs into the room.

"Thank you, take the phone please" Marta hands the phone over while she looks through the first aid kit.
"Pop her down gently" Marta tells Ransom.
Not wanting to let her go he kneels down with her in his arms.
"Okay" Marta says accepting the situation.
Wrapping Evie's hand with a towel to stop the bleeding before she begins to assess the other wounds.

Not long and sirens can be heard pulling up to the house. Linda leads the paramedics into the room.
"Please help her" Ransom pleads as Marta begins to explain the situation to them.
"Sir I'm going to need you to let us take her" the paramedic says to Ransom.

"I'm gonna be right here" he kisses her forehead before handing her over to the paramedic.
After they had dealt with what wounds they could, they load her onto a gurney ready to be taken to the hospital.
"You can ride with us" The paramedic tells Ransom.
"Thank you" he replies but remains frozen as he watches them carry her out the room.

"Hugh she will be okay" Richard tries to comfort his son.
"She better be" Ransom sighs before finally following after the paramedics.
"I am so sorry Ransom I didn't know she would end up like this or I would never have left her lone" Harlan says as tears comes to his eyes.
"It's not your fault" Ransom stops to look at the old man "I should've notice she was struggling and been there, not left her alone for second, this is on me"
"Ransom it's not your fault, she's an adult she can make her own decisions" Linda speaks out.
"She was hurting mother and I should've helped her" Ransom snaps.

"Go, go and be with her" Harlan urges his grandson.
"I will sort all this out so she doesn't have to worry about it then I will come visit with some fresh clothes" Marta looks at Ransom sympathetically.
As Ransom gets in the ambulance with Evelyn he takes her good hand.
"I'm here you're gonna be okay Evie" Ransom says brushing some of her hair out of her face before placing a kiss on her hand.

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