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Two months later and Evie's physical injuries were pretty much healed, she still needed a boot to support her ankle.

Ransom never left her side the entire time, he was right there helping and supporting. Her memories from the two years are slowly coming back but she still doesn't remember the day of the attack.

Harvey and Micheal are working on a case that has something to do with her but she doesn't know what, but she knows it's do with her missing memories.

She's tried her hardest to not give into the temptations for drugs, okay she's not perfect and gets high every now and then but it's legal.

Flashes of Ransom with Chloe returned causing friction between them but Ransom didn't run or let her attempts to push him away work. Their relationship is rocky but Ransom is doing everything in his power to fight for her.

Evie feels conflicted and confused, her memories still like a jigsaw puzzle that she's trying to piece together.

"You ready?" Ransom asks walking into her bedroom one morning.

"Ransom knock next time" she jumps and tries to cover her body as she's just stood in her underwear.

"Nothing I haven't seen before beautiful" he smirks at her.

"Beautiful oh please I look fat and awful with scars" Evie replies.

"Evie look at me" Ransom walks up to her, moving her arms that's have attempted to cover her body and looks over her "You are and will always be the most beautiful women I know" he looks into her eyes.

"Oh please supermodel Chloe has a much better body than me" she scoffs and tries to move out of his hold.

His eyes roam her entire body, lust filling them and he can see the goosebumps forming over her skin.

When he looks at her this way she looses all sense of what's right and wrong, it's been two months of him looking at her likes she's fragile. But now she looks at him and all she can see is the hunger in his eyes and she feels herself getting wet.

Like Ransom can sense her bodies reaction to his stare, he gently moves his hand over her body taking a hardened nipple that's poking out of the lace bra between his fingers and plays with it.
This causes an involuntary moan to leave Evie's lips.

"You like that huh" Ransom smirks.

"Rans..." Evie goes to say but is cut off when Ransom crashes his lips against hers, feverishly taking her mouth his tongue trying to gain access which she then grants.
He reaches round and undoes her bra letting it fall to the fall.

When they break the kiss to gasp for air, Ransom moves her gently onto the bed. His mouth trailing kisses over her entire body.

He kisses over her scar that she hates the most and she goes to flinch away.

"This shows you are a survivor" Ransom kisses along it before moving up to take a nipple in his mouth flicking his tongue over it, and sucking hard.

She hates that her body is having this reaction to him but at the same time doesn't want it to stop. Feeling the ache between her legs grow.

He gives the other nipple the exact same treatment as his hand starts to wonder down her stomach, before reaching her soaked lace panties.

"You're so wet" he smirks against her body.

"Ransom please" she begs wanting him to touch her where she so desperately needs

"So needy" he laughs his hand ghosting lightly over her panties, before he moves them to the side and strokes over her clit.

Invisible String (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now