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As her alarm blares ripping her from sleep, Evelyn groans rolling over to stop the noise. Checking her phone she sees no missed calls or messages from Ransom.
Rolling out of bed she gets on with her morning routine, questioning if she should stop by Ransom's on the way to work or not. Spotting some of his stuff still on the bathroom vanity and then noticing his bag of clothes she sighs, picking up his aftershave and smelling it. Last nights argument playing in her head, remembering how he said he was babysitting her, fucking bastard. Throwing his things into the bag she decides to be kind and give them back.

Heading to work she decides to drive by Ransom's wanting to give his things back before she makes a rash decision and does something crazy like burn them. As she pulls up she sits in the car debating if this was a good idea or not. Finally deciding to man up and face the problem, she gets out the car and starts walking towards his place. As she gets closer the front door opens and out steps some blonde with a tiny dress on, holding her shoes clearly doing the walk of shame.
That fucking prick couldn't even wait for his side of the bed to be cold before he decided to go fuck some random girl he found from god knows where.
Pulling out her phone she pulls up Ransom's contact number, opening a message.

"WE ARE FUCKING DONE. DON'T SPEAK TO ME AGAIN" sending to him while she throws his bag of stuff on the floor and kicking it.
Storming back to her car, she pulls her phone out again sending a message to a colleague advising she is going to be taking some personal days.
Why was she shocked about this, she should've known this is exactly what he would do. They've been sleeping together on and off for the last 10 years, ever since meeting when they were 15. But they have only recently been I guess exclusive to each other for the last year.
Once back home, Evelyn storms up the stairs grabbing her suitcase from the closet, she begins to throw clothes and whatever she thinks she may need in before zipping up and grabbing her passport.

Heading to the airport she decides she needs to get far away from here, parking up and lugging her suitcase inside, she stand stares at the boards. Seeing a flight to London she decides that's far enough away and has always wanted to visit. Heading to London means she could then possibly travel to other places in Europe, like a France, Spain or Italy. Walking up to reception she books herself on the next available flight, splashing out on first class since she inherited her parents money and they were no longer here to enjoy it.

Sitting in her seat, champagne in hand the feeling of of the unknown ahead was for the first time in a while making Evelyn feel alive. Connecting her laptop to the planes wifi after take off she begins to look for a hotel to stay at, as well as looking up things to do while she's there. Six and half hours later she touched down in London, after heading through customs she hails a taxi to the hotel.

While her parents had been alive she never really had the chance to be spontaneous, they pretty much had her entire life mapped out. So while most of her friends were enjoying their spring breaks and travelling the world, she was stuck working at the law firm during school breaks. Sitting in the back of the taxi watching the city lights whizz by she smiled to herself enjoying the feeling of freedom.

Once in the hotel as it was late evening in London she decides to jump in the shower to wash the feeling of plane off her. Grabbing the hotels fluffy dressing gown and room service menu, she then jumps onto the bed letting herself sink into the mattress. Rolling to grab the remote she flicks through the channels on cable TV settling on an old movie, before ordering room service and stuffing her face with most the dessert menu. Waking the next day Evelyn stretches on the bed before walking over to the window, pulling the curtains and admiring the view. Smiling to herself as she took in the view of the city landscape.

Switching on her phone for the first time since leaving Boston, notifications begin to flood in. Messages and calls flooding in from Ransom, Linda and Marta. Opening Marta's message you send a quick text.
"Tell Harlan not to worry, I'm safe, I decided to take time for myself"
Ignoring Ransom's and Linda's messages, she starts to get ready for the day, deciding to start it with a trip to a local cafe for breakfast.

After breakfast in Covent Garden she takes a walk around London taking in all the sights, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. After walking round all day once back at the hotel she starts to run a nice hot bubble bath to soak her aching body in.

Ordering a bottle of wine and room service, she settles on the bed with her laptop open searching places in Europe to visit before pulling out the new book she brought earlier in a cute bookstore she found. For the first time in what feel like forever she finally feels like she can breathe again.

3 months later
After spending time travelling most of Europe, from enjoying pastries in France to stuffing her face with pasta and ice cream in Italy to sunbathing in Santorini. She spent some days doing meetings via video calls or answering the occasional email but most the time it was spent just relaxing, revitalising and finding herself again. Reconnecting with her love for literature.

Having only text Ransom once telling him to stop trying to contact her, she wasn't sure if she wanted to see him or not on her return.
Driving up to her house she gets out the car and stares at her parents house, the only house she had ever known but somehow it just didn't feel like home any more.
Feeling exhausted she walks in and crawls up the stairs, as comfortable as some of the hotel beds were nothing beats the comfort of your own bed.

Waking up the next morning, she begins to walk round the house. Memories flooding in from her childhood, the occasional happy one like pillow forts that her father made for her, or baking in the kitchen with her mum on holidays. Walking in the library she looks around at all the different books, mostly legal books but the fiction bookcase was always her favourite. Running her fingertips along the covers smiling at the memories of her falling asleep on the chair after spending hours reading, or her parents snatching her fiction book out of her hand and replacing it with a legal book.

Sighing she goes to make herself a coffee, before walking to her backyard wrapping herself in a blanket as the autumn chill hits her. Sitting on the swing chair in her back garden thinking she makes a decision, after finally feeling like she can breathe again while she was away and instantly feeling suffocated since returning home.
Sending a quick text she gets ready for her day before heading to her first stop.

Walking into the real estate agents she speaks to an agent about putting her property up for sale, signing an agreement to list the property. After feeling relieved about that decision she heads to her next stop. Pulling up the mansion she smiles but also feels her heartbreak slightly as well. Walking up the mansion the door opens and Marta walks onto the porch smiling at her. Greeting her with a hug.
"You look well" she says as she leads Evelyn inside.
"I am" she smiles back.

"Well the traveller returns" she hears Harlan's voice.
"Harlan" she smiles greeting him with a hug "I am so sorry I didn't say goodbye before I left it was just all so sudden and a crazy rash decision, that turns out to be the best one I had" she rambles.
"Sweetheart it's fine, I can see from the glow you have that it was what you needed" Harlan smiles at her taking her hand in his.
Sitting down and Marta going to make tea, Evelyn gives presents before beginning to show the pictures on her phone catching Harlan and Marta up on everything she got up to in the last 3 months, well not everything some things were for her memories only.

"I have some other news" She says after catching them up and they look her at her confused as her faces changes to a sad expression.
"I'm leaving Boston" she announces.
"What" she hears an angry voice come from behind her.
"Ransom" she sighs, not bringing herself to turn to face him.

Invisible String (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now