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Panic and fear floods Evie as she wakes. She goes to flash open but the bright light hurts so she closes them again. Pain radiating from her entire body which only causes her to panic more.

Trying to open her eyes again, slowly so she can adjust to the light. As she manages to open them she sees Harvey stood there looking at her.

"The baby!" She croaks before Harvey gives her some water, her throat feeling drier than a desert.

She looks down not seeing bump and panic floods her further.

"The baby is the baby okay?" She turns to Harvey panicking now fearing that the worse has happened.

"Baby?" Harvey asks confused.

"Please tell me my baby girl is okay" her voice barely a whisper as it breaks and tears stream down her face, her panicking causing her to flinch in pain due to the injures.
She wonders why Harvey look so confused he knows she's expecting.

She turns to see Ransom sat the other side of her, he is sat there in silence also with a confused and concerned look plastered on his face.
"Im so sorry I didn't tell you. I had it all planned I was on my way to tell you. I wanted to tell you" tears streaming down her face.

Just then a Doctor walks in with Donna.

"Doctor please tell me is the baby okay no one is telling me anything?" She pleads with the doctor.

Donna looks at Harvey confused who just shrugs his shoulders not entirely sure what's happening, while the doctor checks her charts.

"Okay can everyone give us some space" the doctor now asks as he pulls out a light and does some checks on Evie who has tears streaming down her face.

"I need you to follow the light with your eyes" which she does and the doctor makes some notes.

"Okay can you tell me your name, where you are and what year and month it is" he asks her.

"Evelyn, in a hospital and December 2020" she answers confused why the doctor is asking that and not answering about the baby.

Suddenly everyone's face changes to a shocked look.

"Doctor please can you tell me if my baby is okay" she pleads with him.

"I'm sorry" is all he says causing her to scream before flinching in pain.

"Nooooooo. No no no it can't be" she cries out and Harvey is instantly at her side.

Ransom stands there too shocked and confused to even react to what's happening right now.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" she repeats.

The doctors gives her a sedative which sends her to sleep, as the distress wasn't helping her or her injuries.

"So she doesn't remember the last two years?" Michael now voices breaking the awkward silence.

"It's very common in patience who have suffered both severe trauma and a head injury, hopefully this is just short term. However it does look like she's woken up thinking it was for the last time she was in hospital" the doctor explains.

"No shit" Ransom snipes.
"Ransom" Donna shoots him a look.

"Sorry" Ransom now speaks and the doctor gives him a sympathetic look.

"We will run some further tests but I'm hoping this is just temporary amnesia and possibly her brains way of trying to protect her from the recent trauma" the doctors nods at them before leaving the room.

"Is that how she was the first time?" Ransom now asks guilt sallowing him up that he wasn't here for her.

"Worse" Harvey now admits "She had to be sedated then as well"

Guilt floods Ransoms body.

"Hey it wasn't your fault" Donna goes to comfort him "All we can do now is be there for her and take this one step at a time."

"I need a minute" Ransom says running out the room, Donna goes to follow but Michael stops her.

"Give him a minute alone. We have all been in this situation before, he hasn't so needs time to process" Michael says and Harvey nods in agreement.

"I don't want to see her go through all that pain again" tears form in Donna's eyes.
It was heartbreaking enough for them to watch Evie suffer the first time, now they are having to relive it all again, except this time if she regains her memory further pain is yet to come.

"I know" Micheal hugs Donna as his tears threaten to fall as well.

"I umm.. I better text Andy to let her know what's going on" Donna breaks the hug and heads for her phone.

2 hours later Ransom comes back in the room with a box.
"Is that?" Donna asks seeing what he's holding.

"Yeah I took her keys and all I could think about was the box so I thought it might help" Ransom says nervously "But now I think about it maybe we should check with the Doctor if it's a good idea"

"Harvey" Evie's voice is quite.
"Hey I'm right here" Harvey takes her hand gently.
"Tell me it was a dream and that my baby girl is okay" her voice breaks.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart" Harvey looks at her while his own heart breaks knowing he can't break the news of amnesia to her just yet, so they just have to play along for now.

"I lost my baby girl" tears reform in her eyes "I lost my baby girl and I never got to tell her dad about her"

"I'm right here" Ransom places the box down and
moves right to her side.
"I'm so sorry Ransom, I'm so sorry"
"Shhhh it's okay" Ransom tries to comfort her.

"I killed our baby" her entire body shaking as she cries.
"You didn't. You hear me this was not your fault" Ransom looks her straight in the eyes while stroking her hair.

"Okay Evelyn, how we doing?" The doctor smiles at her when he enters.
"Evie please, and everything hurts" she admits "how did I get these injuries?" She now asks confused because she thought she came in with just stomach pains.

"I will up the pain killers for you and Evelyn this mat be hard to hear but it's January 2023, you were in a accident. You hurt your head pretty badly" The doctor begins to explain.

"What no it's 2020 your messing with me right" shock now spreading across her features.
"Evie sweetie, the doctors right" Harvey confirms what the doctor has told her.

"I think I'm gonna be sick" she says and the doctor is quick to hand her a pan just in time.
"That's quite normal" he says as the other look on worried.

"Here" Ransom wipes her face ever so gently before Harvey lets her have some sips of water.
"It can't be 2023. I came in because I had stomach pains. Have I been in a coma for two years!" Her head spinning as she struggles to take everything in.

"No sweetie" Donna replies.
"I don't understand. Can I just be left alone please" she now feels too overwhelmed with everyone in the room.

"Evie I'm staying right here" Ransom strokes her hand but she removes it from his grip.
"Please just leave me alone" she screams.

"Okay everyone out" the doctor orders clearly seeing his patient is distressed.

"But..." Ransom goes to argue.
"Let's just give her space guys" Michael speaks up and they slowly file out the room.

How can she just have lost two years of her life. She doesn't understand.
All she can think about right now is her grief for losing her baby girl.
Grief that her child was taken from her, even if everyone is saying it happened two years ago right now to her it's fresh and raw.
Feeling exhausted she closes her eyes, her entire body suddenly feeling numb.

She felt grief when she lost her parents but this was something worse, this made her wish she never woke up.

Invisible String (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now