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Taking a deep breath she steadies her nerves, before rounding the corner to the one place she was never sure she could return to.

As she approaches she's greeted by a smiling Joe.

"Evie. God we have missed you" he smiles at her before bringing her into a big hug.
Which takes her by surprise.
"Joe it's good to see you" she smiles back at him.

Noticing her hesitation about walking inside he gently holds her by the shoulders and looks her in the eye.

"You can do this. Andy and Luna are inside for support" his face is filled with emotion but she can tell he's trying to be strong.
"You're right I can do this" she nods and walks inside the bar.

"EVIE" Luna screams and drops the tray of empty drinks she's is holding on the nearest table and launches herself at her.

"Omg how are you, I wanted to visit but Andy explained everything and we all thought it was best that we didn't overwhelm you by visiting. But know I was thinking about you constantly and praying for you." She rattles off with tears in her eyes as she holds Evie in a tight hug.

"Alright let her breathe Luna" Andy laughs as she comes over. She peels Luna off Evie before embracing her into a big hug.

"It's so good to see you" Andy smiles breaking the hug.
"It's good to see you both" Evie smiles but her face
can't quite hid the nerves she's feeling.

"You okay?" Andy now looks at her concerned.
Taking a deep breath before looking round the place, flashes of that terrifying horrific night replay in her mind.

She lets the memory play before pushing that night to the side and letting the happy memories take over.
The nights of singing at the tops of their voices while tidying the bar, the constant teasing of Joe, the over shared information on their sex lives.
So many happy memories flood this place.

She remembers what her therapist taught her, if she gives in to the negative memories then he wins even more.
Yeah turns out seeing a therapist wasn't the most horrible thing in the world and it's truly helped her, god she wished she hadn't been stubborn to begin with.

So straightening her spine she snaps out of her trance of memories.

"No but I think I will be" she admits smiling "Who's the new girl?" She asks looking to see a young looking blonde hair girl behind the bar.

"We are right here for you always. Oh and that's Amber, she's nice" Andy smiles turning to look the bar before turning back to face Evie.
"She's no you though" she admits in a whisper.

"Let me work tonight" Evie blurts out.
"Evie you don't have to" Andy shakes her head.
"I know I won't get paid and that's fine but please I need this. I need to not let him win" she blinks as tears threaten to fall.

"Come on then get your beautiful ass behind that bar" Andy takes the towel that was on her shoulder and uses it to whips Evie's ass as they walk to the bar.

Evie chuckles at her friend. God she's missed them.

"Evie this is Amber. Amber this is Evie she's gonna help us out tonight" Andy smiles.

"Alright then" Amber smiles "It's nice to officially meet you I kinda feel like I know you since they talk about you so much" she laughs.

"We do not" Andy fake gasps "Who am I kidding yeah we do" she now bursts out laughing.

A huge smile can't help but spread across Evie's face.

"Which one is it?" Evie asks Andy a hour later.

"Huh?" Andy asks confused.

"You've been texting constantly on your phone and you don't have you dirty texting face on but your concerned one. Also you keep glancing in my direction before you reply. So which one is it Donna or Harvey? Or Both?" Evie replies.

"God you are good" Andy laughs "Both" she admits.
"Think they are also both texting on behalf of another certain person" she wiggles her eyebrows at her.

Pulling her phone out she sends a group text telling them she is fine and to stop pestering her friend while she's trying to work. She also promises to tell Andy if she's not okay so they can stop worrying about her.

She came to LA alone, this was something she needed to do alone, they all tried to argue but eventually agreed.

Ransom was the hardest one to convince, she was pretty sure he would follow her here. She did find out when she landed that Harvey did in fact have to stop him following her confirming this was something she needed to do alone. They came to an agreement that he could fly out after she's been there for two weeks alone.

Her relationship with Ransom was a work in progress, that has been put on hold until she is ready to face that part of her future properly.
Ransom confirmed that he loved her and wasn't going anywhere he is going to fight for her like he should've done before.

If it was up to him they would be together now but she needs to work on herself in these two weeks before she can work on any kind of relationship.

So in two weeks that's when she will think of her future and that begins with meetings with some of the biggest publishing companies in LA. After Ransom sent a couple of chapters of her book to publishers she's have several offers, but they all want to meet her first.

Nervous is a understatement!
She is also so beyond grateful for Ransom and Harlan for believing in her enough to send her book out.

But for now she needs to sort her head out as much as she can and coming back to LA wasn't easy but it's definitely helped.

Being here tonight with her friends reminds her of what's she has here.
This bar was her freedom at a time she needed it most, it was meant to be a pit stop but has ended up being a big part of her life.

She's not sure how to just give that up, she's definitely not giving up the friends she made that's for sure.

The night passes quickly with them all laughing and joking, with regulars telling her it's good to see her again.

For the first time in a what feels like forever she feels alive again, with hope that she's not damaged beyond repair. She was looking forward to her therapy appointment tomorrow to share her update.

Facing her past was tough but she's survived.
She's a survivor and refuses to let a terrible event and a bad situation define her for the rest of her life.

Evie wasn't the problem Lucas was!

Maybe when she feels strong enough she will share her experience with others, she wants to help people with her story.

Sitting at the bar with the drink she made herself she smiles as she looks at her new family.
"Ummm the place needs cleaning" Andy throws a towel at her.

"Yeah I didn't say anything about cleaning. I'm not getting paid remember so I'm just gonna sit here and drink" she throws the towel back.

"Such a lazy ass" Andy laughs.

"Well I like her style" Joe comes in sitting next to Evie and Andy fixes him a drink. Every now and then he would hang back and have a drink with the girls.

"Ooo actually I have a better idea" Evie stands before heading to the music of the bar is controlled.

Scrolling through she picks out a song that always gets them laughing and probably in trouble with the manager if he found out they danced on the bar.

The rooms bursts into laughter as Can't fight the moonlight blares over the speaker. Andy grabs Evie and they jump up onto the bar singing at the top of their voices.

This moment is exactly what life is worth living for, and in the back on her mind she couldn't wait to tell Ransom about this evening.

Confirming the one thing she's been delaying.
She loves Ransom and can't wait for a future with him.

Invisible String (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now