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Walking up to Harvey's office Evie can't help but laugh to herself when she see's him and Micheal playing trash basketball.
"Some things never change" she says entering the office and hitting a paper ball out of the way of the trash can.
"Hey that would've gone in" Micheal moans.
"Guess we shall never know, plus I'm sure you owe me a thank you for stopping you getting your arse handed to you by him" she smirks and nods to Harvey.

"Thanks" Michael murmurs and sits on the sofa.
"You okay?" Harvey asks looking at her carefully "You look pale."
"I'm fine" she brushes him off.
"What's with the unexpected visit" Micheal asks.
"Who said it's unexpected" Donna says entering the room with lunch.

"Should've known that you would know she was visiting" Harvey rolls his eyes.
"Well duh I didn't just happen to have lunch for 4 at my desk" she smirks placing the white bag on the table.

They all sit down round the table as Donna takes out the food containers, passing them to the right person.
As her food is placed in front of it she sits there staring at it the feeling of nausea rising.
"Evie?" Donna stops what she's doing and looks at her.

Getting up quickly she runs to the trash can and throws up.
"Fuck" she pants as she finally removes her head.
"Here" Donna is right by her side with water and a mint.
"I think I ate something bad" Evie says but Donna just looks at her.
"Okay I can't take whatever look that is your giving me, so excuse me while I go take this outside. I will buy you a new one" she says to Harvey.

But as she begins to stand up from the floor dizziness takes over, she grabs hold of the corner of the desk to steady herself.
"Okay let me take care of this" Donna says taking the trash can out of her hands. "You need to sit down."

Harvey comes over to help her to the sofa, but they don't make it before she collapses in his arms.
"Shit call 911" Harvey shouts carrying her to the sofa.

"What the hell is going on?" She hears Ransoms voice.
"Ransom calm down" Donna's voice is the next she hears.
Slowly she begins to open her eyes seeing everyone gather around her hospital bed.
She gets a flashback of the last time this happened and tears form in her eyes.
"Hey, hey, it's okay" Ransoms voice is soothing as he strokes her hair gently.

He comforts her for a minute, knowing she must've suffered a flashback.
"I wanna go home" she whispers.
"We are waiting to test results before they can discharge you" Ransom tells her. "I knew something wasn't right and it wasn't just something you ate, you've been sick for days now"
"I'm sorry" tears flowing down her cheeks.
"Shh, it's okay baby" he kisses her forehead.

"You are giving me greys" Harvey teases.
"Some chicks dig the grey but guess it helps your rich" she smirks back.

Just as he's about to reply a female doctor walks in.
"Can we have a moment alone" the doctor asks.
"Whatever you are about to say you can say in front of them, it's fine they are family. I want them here for whatever news you are about to give me. Omg am I dying." She rambles panicking.
"Evie calm down" Harvey takes her other hand.

"Mrs Drysdale you're not dying but you are pregnant, so I need you to calm down as stress isn't good for the baby" the doctor replies.

The world spins around her as she takes in her words.
"Pregnant" she repeats the word.
The room is silent as Evie process the news.

"This can't be right, I'm on the pill" she shakes her head not truly believing this is happening.
"It's not always 100% effective as you know" the doctor states "Now giving your medical history we will be monitoring you closely. We will do a scan now and then I want you to come in for a check up in two weeks"

A nurse comes in with all the equipment and the others step out of the room giving her and Ransom some privacy.
"Alright lift up your top, the gel will be cold" the doctor says.
Doing as the doctor says, she sits there staring at the monitor in front of her not fully able to take in what's happening.

Black and white blur appear until it's clear revealing the tiny little dot.
"Looks like you are about 6 weeks along, let me just press this" she says and suddenly the heartbeat can be heard.
"Holy shit" Ransom gasps.
"Wait 6 weeks, that means...." She begins but is unable to finish her sentence.
"That we might have created this baby on our wedding night" Ransom finishes her sentence.

"Everything looks good so far. I'm happy to discharge you, but you need to rest more and keep hydrated and take the pre natal vitamins." The doctor hands her a copy of the scan and a prescription note.
"Congratulations again see you in two weeks" she says before walking out.

"Evie" Ransom whips her tears as she stares at the scan in her hands.
"I want Donna" she whispers and he nods getting up.
Donna rushes into the room, settling on the bed beside her.
"Talk to me" Donna takes her hand.
"I'm scared" she whispers.

"That's perfectly understandable given the past but Evie this is amazing news, sure the future is uncertain but you need to enjoy every moment of this instead of living in fear of the what ifs" Donna point to the sonogram picture in Evie's hand.
"I have a feeling everything is going to be okay and this little miracle is going to be so spoiled by Auntie Donna"
"You mean grandma Donna" the side of Evie's lips turn up.

"Honestly that is just offensive do I look old enough to be a grandma, I'm way to young and youthful looking." she scoffs.
"Of course I apologise cool aunty it is" she tries not to laugh at Donna's ridiculousness. "Omg wait this is going to make Harvey a grandad" Evie can't hold onto her laughter anymore.
"Yeah he definitely looks like he could be one" Donna agrees.

"I heard that" Harvey says "And for your information I will be the most awesome and coolest Grandad there will be. Women will think of me as a GILF" He says with his head held high.
"Omg never ever say that again" Evie screws up her face.
"It's true" Harvey shrugs.
"Okay you keeping thinking that gramps" Michael teases and the girls laugh again.
As annoyed as Harvey is he's just happy to see Evie smiling again.

Ransom moves next to her and she looks up at him.
"We're having a baby" she whispers to him.
"We're having a baby" he kisses her forehead and they both stare at the picture.

"Now let's get you discharged" Harvey says heading out to do the paperwork.
"You are not going to lift a finger" Ransom tells her.
"Oh god the overprotectiveness is already happening" she rolls her eyes.
"Yep and get used to it wife, you are carrying my baby so you are going to do nothing but rest" he says with a firm tone.

"If you say so" she replies, already knowing sitting round will drive her insane and she will do her best to fight him on it.
"I do" he kisses her.
"I will keep him busy so he's not hoovering all the time" Donna whispers in her ear.
"I know you will thanks" she whisper back.

"Hey no conspiring" Ransom teases as he carefully helps Evie off the bed.
"Would we do such a thing" Evie teases.
"Yes" Micheal responds on Ransoms behalf.
"Hey you're supposed to be on my side so shhh" she glares at him.
"I am most of the time, gotta through Ransom a line once in a while" he argues back.
"Thanks pal" Ransom replies dryly.

"Ready to go home" Harvey says walking into the room with a wheelchair.
"Hell yes! You know I hate hospitals but I'm not getting in that" she nods to the wheelchair.
"Yes you are" Ransoms tone matter of factly.
"I'm pregnant not invalid" she says going to walk round the wheelchair.
"Fine have it your way" Ransom says scooping her up into his arms.

"You're ridiculous" she groans with a smile on her face.
"Get use to it wife" he kisses her forehead.
"Whatever husband" she gives in and places her head on his shoulder.

They are having a baby, they are going to be a little family.
Now she just needs to pray that everything will work out this time, because she can't take the heartbreak again it would end her.
But this time she has Ransom by her side where he belongs, they are in this together with the help of her other loved ones.
The two of them will become a family of three.

This is everything she has always wanted, her dream come true.

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