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Ransom and Evie had parted on amicable terms, with the promise he will visit her soon to see the box of baby Grace's stuff.
Neither of them told each other the truth about their partners, how Chloe had a part to play in keeping them apart and how Luke was a two timing dick.

Evie had to fly back to LA as she had a shift at the bar. She had been ignoring Luke's calls not wanting to waste her breathe on him at the moment.

Not wanting to bump into Luke alone, she headed straight for the bar from the airport.

Once there she took a couple of shots to help settle her nerves.
"Hey girl" Andy says walking into the bar.
"Hey Happy New Year" Evie greets her before bringing her into a hug.

"I am so sorry I had to be the one to break the news" she gives Evie a sympathetic look.
"I should've seen it coming and broke up with his ass a long time ago" she sighs.
"You deserve so much better than that asshole, you're right should've dumped his ass a long time ago" Andy smiles at her, she's never been a fan of Luke's.

"You've got post sex glow going on, who was he?" Evie smirks at Andy.
"I love how you can tell" she laughs "He is a guy I met last week, we've hung out a couple of times" Andy smirks back at her.
"I need details and don't miss out the juicy ones" Evie smiles while pouring shots for the pair of them.

Laughing and catching up with Andy about their week apart, all while they are getting the bar ready for open.
Evie never had this in Boston a girl friend to gossip and talk with, sure she had Donna but it's not quite the same as having someone your own age, especially when it came to discussing sex lives. Somehow her parents and their expectations always got in the way of her making proper friends so eventually she just gave up trying.

She enjoyed making friends with Andy, to have someone else there for her who wasn't someone from the law firm or Ransom. She's the reason Evie has stayed for so long at the bar.

"Evening ladies" Joe says entering the bar.
"Happy new year Joe" they both shout from behind the bar giggling like they got caught doing something they shouldn't, as they take their final shot.
"You two are worse then my teenager girls" Joe laughs at the pair.

The shift was pretty quiet as most people start there New Year's resolution of no drinking and clean eating and the first couple of weeks in January are quite in the bar.

"Is that the new man texting you" Evie wiggles her eyebrows at Andy.
"Yes he's telling me all the things he's going to do to me later" Andy smirks.
"Well aren't you a lucky girl" Evie laughs glancing over Andy's shoulder to read the message.
"He said he's outside waiting just go already" Evie nudges her.

"You sure?" Andy checks.
"Yeah we are just about to close and it's not exactly been busy, so go have fun and let him worship you" she winks.
"You're the best, maybe he has a friend" Andy winks.
"I'm staying away from guys for a while" Evie laughs.
"I will find out anyway you need to get back on the horse girl" Andy kisses her cheek and grabs her bag, before saying bye to Joe and leaving like an excited teenager.

"You gonna be alright by yourself?" Joe asks once the last customer has left.
"Yeah I'm good, see you tomorrow" Evie smiles at him before he leaves.

Humming to the music while she cleans, Evie goes to the back door propping it open so she can carry the trash bags out.
Hearing her phone vibrate she checks it seeing a message form Andy.

He has a friend😉 Text me when you are home safe x

Laughing to herself she puts her phone back in her pocket before picking up the bags of trash carrying them to the back door.

"What the fuck" she shouts jumping out of her skin as she see an angry looking Luke stood at the back door.
"You haven't been returning my calls" he growls at her.

"Yeah there's a reason for that, you lied about being at your parents. You were busy fucking god knows how many girls" she snaps back.
"Baby I'm sorry" he goes to move towards her but she steps back.
"Shove your I'm sorry up your ass. I'm done forgiving you" her reply is cold.

"You don't mean that, you know I love you" he replies this time lunging for her. Grabbing her so that her back to his chest with his hand pinned tightly round her throat.
"Get off me" she tries to break free from his grip.

"Just forgive me baby and we can sort this all out" he starts kissing down her neck while his fingers of his free hand wonder over her body.
"Luke stop we are done, I'm not forgiving you this time" she can't move against the grip he has on her neck.
"No one else will want you" he spits before his hand starts to make its way down her jeans.

"I fucked someone else" she blurts out wanting him to stop to touching her.
"You little slut" he shouts as his grip around her neck tightens "you're mine" he growls before throwing her harshly across the room as her body collides into metal beer barrels.

Pain shoots through her as she hit the metal, blood starting to fall from her head as it hit against one.
Her vision slightly blurred but she sees him making his way towards her and tries to crawl away.

"No one will ever lay a hand on what's mine you understand! This is why you need to be taught a lesson" he says picking her up harshly by her hair before kicking her hard in the stomach.
"Luke please stop" she begs as the pain sears through her entire body.

"You think you can just sleep around and get away with it" he whispers in her ear.
"Luke you cheated multiple times why do you care" she cries out.
"Because you're mine" he shouts.

Using all the strength she has left she finds a way to knee him in the balls as she goes to make a break for it. Trying to make her way out of the back door as her head spins and her lungs feel like they are on fire. 

But before she can make it outside Luke tackles her to the ground, her ankle twisting the wrong way as she hears a snap of the bone.
"Luke please stop" she screams as he rolls her over and she sees nothing but pure anger in his eyes.

"You brought this on yourself" he growls as he continues to beat her.

Tears stream down Evie's face as she is unable to move. Her head spinning and her entire body in pain.

Thoughts flood her mind of things she hadn't got to do yet.
How she never got to show Ransom the box of Grace's stuff.
How she never really told Harvey, Donna and Michael how thankful she was to have them in her life and that's she's sorry she lied to them.
Andy. She wanted to thank Andy for being her first real friend.
How she wanted to show Harlan her novel she has written and hidden away, would anyone find it?

Ransom. The one thing her mind keeps going back to.

There were so many things left unspoken when it came to him.

How she is so desperately in love with him despite everything, how her heart broke into a million pieces knowing he was marrying someone who wasn't her. It's like he has infected every part of her body like a disease she can't get rid of no matter how hard she tried.
She also wants to let him know that leaving him was the biggest mistake of her life.

One that is looking like she won't get a chance to fix as she keeps slipping in and out of consciousness. Just conscious enough to feel Luke unbuttoning her jeans and forcing them down as her entire body tenses but she has no strength left to fight.

Doing everything she can to try and block out what's happening and at that moment she decides to give in to tiredness of her body...

...as her eyes begin to close and everything slowly goes black.

Invisible String (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now