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Evelyn stands in her closet wearing her sweatpants, oversized jumper hair tied up in a messy bun, packing boxes organising them into donate or keep. She managed to sell the house quicker than she expected, so now all that was left to do was pack it up. She hasn't found her dream home yet in LA but she's found somewhere to rent to begin with as a starting point.

Hearing a knock on the front door she carries one of the boxes down the stairs before answering, seeing Marta stood there.
"Harlan thought you might need a hand packing so asked me to come help, and I brought food as I bet you haven't eaten" she smiles holding up the food.
"Thank you" Evie smiles at Marta letting her in.
After eating they decide to start packing up the kitchen.

"If need anything or think Fran could use it then take it, because let's me honest I'm not much of a cook" Evie laughs.
"Thanks" Marta smiles.
"Ask I can see you are itching to" Evie says stopping what she's doing.
"Have you spoken to him since Harlan's?" Marta asks curiously.
"Yeah, and surprise surprise it ended with him storming out" she sighs shrugging her shoulders.
"Think you can work it out?" She looks at her questionably.
"I'm done with the dance Marta it's exhausting" Evie says taping one of the boxes up.
"It's a shame but I understand" Marta smiles sadly at her.
"But I would like to stay in touch with you and Harlan" Evie smiles back at her.
"Of course, he is very fond of you" Marta states.

Later that evening Evelyn was stood on in the library admiring the books not finding the strength to pack some of her favourites up, apparently the buyer was happy for most of them to be left behind and for her to just take the few she wanted. Grabbing a Jane Austen novel she had read plenty of times before she settled on her favourite chair and began to get lost in the story.
It wasn't until she heard the library door creak that she realised she was no longer alone and began to feel panic rising in her.

"I always could find you in that corner lost in your own world" she hears Ransoms voice but it was kinda slurred.
"Ransom you just scared the shit out of me" she replies clutching her chest to steady her breathing.
"I'm sorry" he slight stumbles toward her.
"You're drunk" she rolls her eyes.
"Nope" Ransom argues back.
"What are you doing here?" she looks at her phone realising how late it was.

"I had to see you" he says moving to infront of her.
The smell of alcohol and stale cigarettes hitting her making her gag slightly.
"Okay you need some water and sleep" she rolls her eyes at him before noticing him looking at her with puppy dog eyes. "Come on let's get you some water and then you can crash in the guest bedroom" she gives in knowing it's probably easier to let him stay then try and send him home.

Heading down to the kitchen she grabs him a glass of water sliding it over to him, before heading to the cupboard to make him a some food.
"Here eat this" she slides him a sandwich.
"You're too good to me" he slurs eating the sandwich.
"Just eat so we can go to sleep" she sighs.

"I'm sorry, Evie I am so sorry" Ransom says walking over to her.
"Ransom please don't" she tries to move away but he traps her. His arms either side of her trapping her against the island, their faces close to each other.
"Evie I'm sorry" he pleads.
"Ransom" she tries to get past him but he has her trapped.
"Please just forgive me, I love you" his breathe fans over her neck.

"You're drunk" she says moving so she's not looking into his eyes, while her heart drops having heard those words leave his lips.
"Tell me to stop" he says his lips attaching to her neck and for a minute she enjoys it. Snapping back to reality she uses all her force to push him off her.
"Guest bedrooms all yours" she says running to her room closing the door behind her and sliding down it.

"Evie" she hears Ransom the other side.
"Just go to the guest bedroom" she says trying to hide the sob she feels building in her chest.
Hearing him sigh and give in making his way to the guest room before she decides to get ready for bed, however sleep doesn't come easy and she just lays there staring at the ceiling. How has it come to this, how did they become so messed up, would her life be simpler if her parents were still alive?

The next morning after hardly any sleep having spent most the evening tossing and turning trying to get comfortable also unable to shut her brain off, she's awoken by the feeling of the mattress sinking on the other side. Suddenly she feels arms wrap around her waist pulling her flush to their bare chest and she just sighs.

"Rans..." she goes to say but is interrupted.
"Shhh please just let me hold you" he whispers in her ear.
The feeling of his arms around her right now feels good, so she gives in settling in his arms.
It's not long and she can feel his morning glory poking her in the ass, as he spoons her from behind.
She goes to wiggle away but this causes his grip to tighten and his cock to twitch at the sensation.
He begins to kiss her neck, nibbling the sweet spot that he knows drives her wild.

"Ransom" she moans and can feel herself soaking her panties as he begins to grind himself against her.
His hand wonders up her top and begins to play with one of her nipples, rolling it with his thumb and finger before slowly removing her top and throwing it on the floor. Ransom continues to kiss her neck as his hand wanders into the hem of her shorts and gently brushes over her pants.

"You're soaked" he growls as he can feel how wet she is through her lace panties, before pushing them aside and thrusting two fingers inside her.
"Fuck" she moans as he begins to work his fingers inside hard and fast while his thumb worked circles on her clit.

She knew this was a bad idea but right now all rash decisions were out the window and she couldn't think straight.
"I can feel you tensing around me, let go Evie" he whispers.
Ransom continues to drive his fingers into her and she can feel her orgasm bubbling up inside her, all it takes is a few more pumps and Ransom biting on her shoulder for the coil to snap. Feeling her body shake as her release washes over her she pants coming down from her high.

Feeling Ransom taking off his boxers she's barely come down from her high when she feels Ransom teasing her entrance with the tip before plunging deep inside. Normally he would be rough but this was different, he was soft and slow like he was savouring the moment.

He moves in and out of her, before flipping them so she's now pinned underneath him.
"I want you to look at me when you come" Ransom says lowering his lips to suck one of nipples.
"Fuck" she pants as he picks up the pace.
After removing himself from her breasts he stares where he drive inside her, admiring the way she takes him with ease.

Feeling her start to tense around him he knows he's not going to last much longer, and brings his hand down to work on her clit.
"Oh Ransom" she pants as her nails god into her bare back definitely going to leave marks.
Her toes curling and body shaking her orgasm rips through her as she calls out his name, and it's not long before she feels him shoot his load inside filling her up as he releases shouting her name.

After working them through their high, Ransom pulls out grabbing his boxers and putting them back on. Kissing her forehead he stares at her for a moment, laying there a thin layer of sweat covering her blissed out, before he slips out the room.
"Ransom" she goes to find him as she suddenly comes to her senses again, but as she heads to the guest bedroom she hears the front door close.
Realising now this was his way of saying goodbye tears begin to fall as she heads for the shower.
The sooner she gets away from here the better it will be for everyone, the fresh start is what they both need.

Invisible String (Ransom Drysdale)Where stories live. Discover now